my wife is keto dieting(atkins) for about 6 weeks now.she fades in and out of ketosis and has not lost weight for about 2 weeks.her carb intake is 20 grams or less and protein intake is moderate.i feel she has hit the atkins plateu as others iv’e spoken to report the same problem.her weight loss for the 1st 4 weeks was 14lb,i thought that was very successful. any feed back would be welcome
you sure left out a lot of info.
How much does she weigh? what does she eat? does she exercise? I mean, you really left out a ton of info, man.
Atkins is only 20g for the first two weeks…it is called Induction…then you move up the carb ladder by adding more carbs.
have both of you actually read the book or visited the Atkinscenter website?
I had my training partner do Atkins because it involved less thinking that other plans…she has lost 35lbs since April. The plan does work if you follow it as it is written.
I was on the Atkins diet for 9 months. Yeah, the plateau is a very real thing, and unfortunately, most people get so upset by it they quit. However, if they were keeping food logs, they might realize that they were just responding negatively to some food, such as nuts, dairy products, sugar alcohols, etc…
Have her look over the website, as mentioned above. They have good info there. Also, keep in mind that some ketone strips aren’t accurate…you can be in lipolysis and not have it show on a ketone strip.
Personally, I enjoyed the diet, and I only stopped a few weeks ago because I wanted to follow the Massive Eating plan for a bulk phase.
thanks for the response,i will refer her to the atkins center website.
PDawg, make sure your wife is still running at a calorie deficit. After the initial honeymoon period, most dieters will not continue to lose on Atkins if they don’t expend more than they take in.
Lisa Simpson–
Exactly. Even though you can eat more calories on a keto diet and still lose weight than on a more carb-heavy diet (because protein has a higher TEF and because you’re metabolically “tilted” towards weight loss instead of weight gain) you still have to cut calories at a certain point!
A lot of the initial loss is water, which is fine, but it makes people think they’re making faster progress than they are.
It could also be that her body is “recomposing” with the (probably higher) protein intake, and that fat loss is continuing, even though the scale is stalled. If she’s fitting better into her clothes/measurements are smaller/bodyfat percentage is reading lower, she’s headed in the right direction.
Keep a food log for a while. The solution’s in there.
Dan “I love the Simpsons” McVicker
Atkins is how I lost enough weight initially to start thinking about really “looking good nekked.” (20+ lbs in a couple of months.) I completely agree about watching the calories issue. at some point in the diet (i think different for different people depending on how much weight they have to lose initially)you’ve got to adjust the calories downward to keep losing and adjust to the lower body weight. That being said, I am a low carb fan for life.
All good advice. But be aware of the fact that she could also be eating too little. In that case, increasing calories will start the fat loss again.
Here’s one - does she lift weights?
I think the main reason why people fail on keto diets is that they are eating carbs. Of course, you said that she has been going in and out of keto, so I guess you’re checking with ketosticks?
If she’s really serious, there are other keto diets she could try. Do a search for “Keto support v.2” in the forums.
Alpha Lipoic Acid is a good supplement to use when ketoing. I used it right before going to bed.
BTW, I used a kero diet, wehre I had 20 gr. or fewer carbs to go from 14% bf to 8% bf in the Hot Rox Challenge. However, my fat intake was much higher than what the Atkins diet recommends.
- Jeff
I don’t know if this is an issue with your wife or not, but I’ve noticed many people stall on keto diets if they ingest too many diet sodas and/or sugar free products made with sugar alcohols. I’ve noticed a huge influx of processed, low carb products aimed specifically at keto dieters (ie, low carb bread mix, pancakes, syrup, ect). I think they can be of great benefit if used as a treat here and there, but I see some people relying on them for most of there calories and stalling there diet progress. I think keto diets are most successful if people stick with meat, poultry, eggs, cheese, oils, a little whey protein and some fiberous veggies.