So with Kai’s recent pulling out after the prejudging in Prague, it got me thinking which is worse for an athlete of such high visibility.
Obviously an amateur athlete feeling unwell, or even knowing full well he’s not looking too good the day of a show has many different things to consider compared to an IFBB Pro who makes his living based on his contest placings and how his fans perceive him.
By all, accounts (and there’s video around the 'net if you wanna find some), he was very very off. A smooth compared to the Olympia, and even noticeably bloated in the midsection. While at the same time, guys who finished at the big O behind him, were well very much on their games in Prague.
A few things to consider:
-Kai complained to Bob Chic that he was curled up backstage not feeling well
-He made several trips to the First Aid area
-His coach (George Farrah) was loudly bragging after the prejudging how Kai was gonna come in tighter in the evening and easily take the show
-Many spectators had Kai easily not in the top spot
-Lotta speculation on other sites about if Kai’s lost his expected top 2 in the world spot after this year’s Olympia
Now,… in your opinion, does this hurt his reputation with fans of the sport?
I personally have a few mixed feelings, having been unwell myself during preps, but also having witnessed others obviously faking issues and injuries to cover up for bad showings.
we’ve all called in sick to work when we weren’t really sick, that said…
It’s a sport by perfectionists, for perfectionists. You can understand someone wanting to bring their best or nothing at all, but faking illness - and we’ll never know for sure whether he did or not, barring him getting hospitalised or some shit - is pretty weak.
I can’t see it doing him or his already questionable reputation any long term damage.
At his level I think a bad showing would probably pull him down further than a no-show. I don’t think it’ll be much of a problem unless it happens repeatedly.
On that note though, I’m wondering if there may be something mental underlying it all.
This is going purely off the interviews and videos I’ve seen but it wouldn’t surprise me if he truly believes that he can be the best, or maybe even is the best already. Then that meets the fact that he’s now lost to Phil multiple times, whether or not you believe he was robbed the fact is that he still lost.
That’s gotta put some serious doubt into his mind. And when doubt comes into the equation things can go downhill pretty fast.
[quote]eatliftsleep wrote:
love how everyones gotta speculate, what if he actually did have stomach problems?!?! No way that would be crazy!!![/quote]
I think anyone who has followed the sport for a while knows that excuses of “stomach problems” or “food poisoning” the day of a big contest are rarely ever that.
[quote]LankyMofo wrote:
Well, if he’s questioning his ability to be a good father I think he made the right decision for all involved. [/quote]
Kai looked out of shape, he knew it, Farah knew it, the rest of the competitors knew it. He wasn’t cramping… he wasn’t struggling to hit poses…
Paul Dillett collapsed onstage and Ronnie needed oxygen after a comp… ive seen guys walk around like they have peg legs because their feet keep cramping due to the diuretics.
people have been through worse and still completed the show.
for what it’s worth, Kai trained the next day… so…
[quote]eatliftsleep wrote:
love how everyones gotta speculate, what if he actually did have stomach problems?!?! No way that would be crazy!!![/quote]
I think anyone who has followed the sport for a while knows that excuses of “stomach problems” or “food poisoning” the day of a big contest are rarely ever that.
yes you’re probably right. Just sucks to admit it since I am a kai fan but he did what he and im assuming farah thought was best.