Justin's Online EDT Log

Hello all,

I plan on documenting my progress and experience with EDT (Escalating Density Training) online. I will initially be following the “Compound EDT” plan as described here:


I have also ordered the DVD available at Charles Staley’s website but it has not yet arrived.

I hope to elicit comments and criticism from the crowd in order to know what is being done right and where there is room for improvement.


Week of 08/29/05

Week 0 is technically week 1 but it was the introductory week. Total reps were saved but not reps per set, exercises were spread throughout the week and weight selection (as it was the first experience with this program) was mostly guess work.

All PR Zones are 15 minutes.

A Session:

A-1: Zercher Squat
35 total reps @ 95 lbs
A-2: Pullups
31 total reps @ bodyweight

Pullups were the limiting selection. Next weeks session should benefit from the use an assisted machine.

B-1: Power Curl From Hang
80 total reps @ 55 lbs.
B-2: Lying Dumbbell Triceps Extension From Floor
80 total reps @ 17.5 lbs.

Intend to increase weight on both exercises for next session.

B Session:

A-1: Snatch-Grip RDL
75 total reps @ 100 lbs.
A-2: Dips
75 total reps @ -40 lbs.

Intend to increase weight on both exercises for next session.

B-1: Pin Press
55 total reps @ 95 lbs.
B-2: Standing Cheat Hammer Curl
55 total reps @ 35 lbs.

Both weights felt like they were good selections for this PR Zone.

I also would like to point out that I really liked the pin press. I dislocated/subluxed my shoulder several years a go on the bench press and ever sense always have some residual aniexty that it will happen again, but that fear was removed by using this exercise. It also allowed me to quickly “slide out” from under the bench.

And one final note, Surge is being used pre / post workout. My plan is to use one full ( 2 scoop ) serving per one complete session. Since each week has one A session and one B session, this equates to two full servings of Surge per week.


Week of 09/05/05

A Session:

A-1: Zercher Squat
5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5
40 total reps @ 95 lbs.
A-2: Pullups
5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5
40 total reps @ -40 lbs.

Everything felt appropriate for this session. There is a slight rest period/delay while switching as they are separated by a short walk across the gym hall.

B-1: Power Curl From Hang
5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5
60 total reps @ 65 lbs.
B-2: Lying Dumbbell Triceps Extension From Floor
5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5
60 total reps @ 20 lbs.

Most likely will increase weight for tricep extensions again for next session and focus on reducing time to switch exercises.

I forgot to take my Surge with me, I wanted to take 1 scoop prior to starting as I am heading to the gym upon waking in the morning and 1 after finishing. However, I just took two servings after I returned home.

Sweet cant wait to see your progress / results.


Week of 09/05/05

B Session:

A-1: Snatch-Grip RDL
5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5
75 total reps @ 115 lbs.
A-2: Dips
5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5
75 total reps @ -32 lbs.

Those deadlifts are exhausting. I increased from last week on both exercises; I plan on increasing the weight again for next week.

B-1: Pin Press
5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5
70 total reps @ 95 lbs.
5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5
B-2: Standing Cheat Hammer Curl
70 total reps @ 35 lbs.

I plan on increasing the weight for this as well next week.

I noticed someone said they always end up doing 5 reps, I also am noticing this even though I am exhausted by the time I finish a PR zone.

[quote]JLDucote wrote:

A-2: Pullups
31 total reps @ bodyweight

Pullups were the limiting selection. Next weeks session should benefit from the use an assisted machine.


Just a suggestion, but I would stick to using your own body weight for the pull ups seeing as how you can do them, and just try to progress with your body weight only.

Good luck,

Pat Battaglia



(that previous message should have read “WEEK 2 OFF” not “3”)

Week of 09/19/05

S (“Sprint”) Session:

S-1: ~ 40m Sprints
15 / 15

I am not sure if what I did is a “pure” EDT application, but I decided to apply the 15 “1 rep sets” to sprints. I attempted to complete 15 sets of 40 meter sprints.

At first, I felt as if I had completly underestimated a good distance, I then proceded and barely finished the 15th set in time. Will add ~ 10 m next session.


Week of 09/19/05

A Session:

A-1: Zercher Squat
5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5
45 total reps @ 95 lbs.
A-2: Pullups
5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5
45 total reps @ -34 lbs.


Those “Zercher Squats” are very exhausting - combined with heavier pull ups from last week only allowed 45 reps. 5 more reps than last week.

B-1: Power Curl From Hang
5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5
55 total reps @ 70 lbs.
B-2: Lying Dumbbell Triceps Extension From Floor
5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5
55 total reps @ 22.5 lbs.

Set a new baseline with higher weight than last week on both exercises. Reps are still close to 60 which is the cut off of when I add increase the weight.

(psst, hey Charles - where’s my DVD ? What shipping service do you guys use ?)

Looks like fun

Man read your sprinting idea the other day and it got me thuinking. If you were to go and time a spint. say you sprint and find that you start to slow up at 22 seconds. Then do just like EDT start with 11 second soprints and what ever rest you feel you need. Once performance begins to fal you start dropping time and length off the sprints. Man I bet that would be a killer 15 min PR.

Just a thought.

Keep it up.



Week of 09/19/05

B Session:

A-1: Snatch-Grip RDL
5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5
50 total reps @ 135 lbs.
A-2: Dips
5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5
50 total reps @ -28 lbs.

Increasing the weight dropped the number of reps by almost 25 this week.

B-1: Pin Press
5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5
50 total reps @ 105 lbs.
5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5
B-2: Standing Cheat Hammer Curl
50 total reps @ 40 lbs.

I can notice how the compound nature allows other body parts to take up the slack when fatigue kicks in. Those hammer curls became like a half-body experience.

The gym sucks in the evening. This only re-confirmed my preference to train in the morning when no one is there.

You might remember EDT is about quality over quantity. Meaning every rep should be completed in the same flawless form and if it can’t be then you drop reps or rest more. You try and use the same form from week to week. Thats how you gauge the progress. So if Major cheating will make it MUCH harder to gauge the progress as you might start chaeting earlier next week in order to manage the fatigue more.

Just a little tip,


Hi Justin - I read the article on EDT but was unclear on one point.

Do you alternate between exercises after every set? For example, 5 reps of Zercher squat and then 5 pullups, then back to squat again.

Or do you finish an exercise before moving on to the next? For example, performing 35 Zercher squats and then moving on to pullups.

Good luck in your training.

[quote]Alexei wrote:
Hi Justin - I read the article on EDT but was unclear on one point.

Do you alternate between exercises after every set? For example, 5 reps of Zercher squat and then 5 pullups, then back to squat again.

Or do you finish an exercise before moving on to the next? For example, performing 35 Zercher squats and then moving on to pullups.

Good luck in your training.



In EDT you do antagonist pairs usually. Or unilatereal pairs. Say military press followed by pull ups, thats one set. you do the same reps for both exercises and adjust the loads as needed for each.

Or say single arm or leg movements like lunges or step ups you would do left followed by right thats one set.

Two exercises makes One PR zone.

Hope that clears it up.


[quote]Phill wrote:
Alexei wrote:
Hi Justin - I read the article on EDT but was unclear on one point.

Do you alternate between exercises after every set? For example, 5 reps of Zercher squat and then 5 pullups, then back to squat again.

Or do you finish an exercise before moving on to the next? For example, performing 35 Zercher squats and then moving on to pullups.

Good luck in your training.


In EDT you do antagonist pairs usually. Or unilatereal pairs. Say military press followed by pull ups, thats one set. you do the same reps for both exercises and adjust the loads as needed for each.

Or say single arm or leg movements like lunges or step ups you would do left followed by right thats one set.

Two exercises makes One PR zone.

Hope that clears it up.


So, using your first example, I might do 5 Military Presses, then 5 Pull Ups, then another 5 Military Presses, then another 5 Pull Ups, repeating that until my 15 minutes is up?

Is that right? Thanks Phill.

Yes and say you drop the military to 4 then you ALSO drop the pull up. Yoyu do the same reps for both movement for the PR zone be it 15, 10, 20 mins.

You got it.

Cheers Phill.

Good job Justin. As long as the numbers keep going up, keep at it. Good to hear you are back in the gym.