Justice for Peanut

I’m not one for single issue activism and I’m a dog guy, not a squirrel guy, but everything about this story pisses me off.

A bro who obviously lifts had his home raided and ransacked by armed agents of New York State. A county judge signed off on an armed raid because of a racoon and a squirrel.

Agent allegedly got bit, both animals were euthanized.

I’m not on Tik Tok and didn’t know about Peanut until today, but he sure was something special.


I am a squirrel guy, and this whole thing is just another indicator of how fucking silly, bass ackwards and upside down priorities have gotten.

It really is un-fucking believable. That judge, the agents, anybody involved really, need to go. You could only survive in this world, in those types of positions if God take pity on your poor bumblefucking soul.

If I could have five minutes in a room with any one of them, especially the Judge and who ever decided to put them down- they may not exit a changed person, but they would absolutely look different.


Rich people are out here having Diddy Parties and a judge is worried about a fucking squirrel


The news made its way across the pond, couldn’t quite believe what I was reading…

You’ve hit the nail here.


As an avid animal lover this is infuriating. Cunts


It actually struck me as the kind of heartless bureaucratic nonsense I’d expect to read about in the UK. Like social media police cracking down on mean words or dogs giving Hitler salutes.


Imagine going to a judge to get a warrant and when he asks, “is it drugs, child trafficking, terrorists?,” you respond, “it’s a squirrel.”

Imagine doing this and not expecting the judge to tell you to get the f out of his office.


These supposed wildlife experts thought a squirrel that has lived indoors for years could have had rabies. Even in the wild, squirrels rarely carry rabies and no one has ever gotten rabies from a squirrel.



Dude… I got bit by Pits on duty a number of times… never harmed one and in fact saved quite a few from neglect and gun shots. I’d even save a squirrel


All involved need to be fired immediately

fucking assholes

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Unnecessary cruelty to animals should carry a hefty price


I’m curious to see if this is another flash in the pan news blurb or if Peanut the Squirrel actually becomes a political rallying point of some kind or a cultural phenomenon that sticks around like Let’s Go Brandon.

It is one of those things nearly everyone will agree is just completely messed up and shouldn’t be done by the government.


What a FUBAR situation.

I’d say whoever the politician in charge is in that part of the state, he/she is losing the next election for sure.

I took two babies home from work when we cut down a spruce that they were nested in.

Bottle fed them until they could eat fruit & stuff, then they moved down into my neighbors walnut trees and would hang out with me in the morning as I had my coffee.

Cool little creatures. :+1:


I like this judge’s approach…although I would be even more vindictive and impose the most severe alternative punishments allowable by law! While the saying my be cliche, it is true: you can tell a lot about a person/society by how they treat: animals, those less fortunate than them, & those whose job it is to provide service to them (waiters, cab drivers, hotel workers, etc).

I find people who treat others/animals poorly, especially animals, disgusting and if I ever witness it in front of me I do not hesitate to call them out on their bad behavior. More than one time, for instance, have I witnessed someone talking down to a waiter and I got in that person’s face asap. I have also “taken” several dogs out of yards where they were chained up, water bowl turned over, no shelter in 100 degree heat, etc. That person does not deserve to have a dog and I don’t waste my time talking to the person inside. Yes, I also make sure to do this while I have my concealed carry on me. I did have one person come outside and after yelling/asking what was I doing, I told him why I was taking the dog and the POS said fine, take the shit, I don’t care. At that moment I wanted to (lol, in my mind) handcuff that piece of shit inside his house, where he couldnt reach water, food, the toilet, etc and see how he liked it.


It would be funny if the straw that broke the camels back and led to armed rebellion was a raid on a dude for having a squirrel. Just saying.


Some of the people I meet at the dog park would probably get violent about this if they felt like they could get away with it.


The dirty bastards!
Poor lil guys. Ya know what really pisses me off about this? The fucking Karen/Ken that reported him. Who the hell calls the cops on somebody for having a pet squirrel? Must be one sad sack of shit.