Woooooo!! Second class ever this week… got my ass handed to me of course.
HOWEVER, it’s funny, cos i watched SOOOO much MMA that i intuitively figured out a lot of submissions and moves and shit. Liek i could keep people in the guard and pass the guard, and pulled off a guillotine and a rear naked choke etc… All cos i watched so much of it.
Also, the fact that i’ve been doing muay thai for YEARS meant i was generally stronger and better conditioned than most of these people in the beginner class, so that definitely helped… BUT i have a feeling the BJJ is a sport that watching videos/techniques actually is a VERY GOOD adjunct to class trainign to learn.
I can’t do this with the striking arts, but i think with BJJ, it’s so much like chess and intricate (seemingly more than striking) that this is how it happens.
So just wondering if you guys know of any good video instructional stuff that is good for me to watch as i’m winding down after class while having me dinner etc…
I know the Gracie Academy with those two gracie kids has some good stuff. but anything else?