[quote]BONEZ217 wrote:
If this happens again, after they refuse to leave, instead of cursing at them, calmly lock the door and tell them they cant leave.
Then beat them up with baseball bats. Then throw them out and trash their motorcycles [/quote]
[quote]BONEZ217 wrote:
If this happens again, after they refuse to leave, instead of cursing at them, calmly lock the door and tell them they cant leave.
Then beat them up with baseball bats. Then throw them out and trash their motorcycles [/quote]
[quote]Hallowed wrote:
Bonez for the win!
[quote]Hallowed wrote:
[quote]BONEZ217 wrote:
If this happens again, after they refuse to leave, instead of cursing at them, calmly lock the door and tell them they cant leave.
Then beat them up with baseball bats. Then throw them out and trash their motorcycles [/quote]
Now thats a solution.
I kicked a bunch of lawyers out of a meeting once. I was Director of Litigation for an insurance company and they insisted they meet me b/c they weren’t getting any new work. Well, they unilaterally started changing an agreed fee structure and my response was to pull all the files - which they tried to fight by contacting the clients, our customers.
One thing lead to another and after a few choice words, I arose from my seat, looked at my assistant and said, “Patty, show these guys to the door”…and I walked out of the meeting. The look on their faces (and my assistant’s) was priceless - it was a mixture of “he can’t do that” and “…he just did”. We had a claim manager at that meeting and she found me later and said she couldn’t believe I did that - with amusement and admiration in her eyes.
I generally fucking hate lawyers. And the only thing worse than a lawyer, if you can believe such a creature exists, is doctors. Doctors are the more arrogant pricks on the planet. It’s a wonder their mothers even love them. When I handled medical malpractice claims, our lawyers spent as much time working on a doctor’s demeanor as they did working on the facts of the case. Ok, I exaggerate, but as a group, they are the most aloof and arrogant - far worse than lawyers.
Is this the thread where we post how tough we are in professional and business situations?
My mom called a meeting with me under false pretences once.
She said it was to raise my allowance but really it was to get me to do the dishes.
Worst 21st birthday ever
I get into arguments with my 5 year-old students all the time.
I already taught the others to say “Teacher always wins,” to the one who defies me.
here’s the trick I use to show them I’m always right…take the game Paper Scissors Stone (AKA Rock Paper Scissors) and I’ve found that 75% of the time boys throw a rock first, girls throw scissors. Try it on the next kid or even adult.
I think boys (and males, but as I think it works better on boys) pick rock because it’s simple, strong and your hand was already making that shape in the ‘priming’ part, girls ( and women to a lesser degree) pick scissors because it’s a dangerous complex thing.
People that do paper first are psychotics.
[quote]Nards wrote:
People that do paper first are psychotics.[/quote]
OR they thought you were handing out candy.
Only psychotics hand out candy.
I kick guys out of Best Buy on the reg.
'Sup now fools?
[quote]TheBodyGuard wrote:
I kicked a bunch of lawyers out of a meeting once. I was Director of Litigation for an insurance company and they insisted they meet me b/c they weren’t getting any new work. Well, they unilaterally started changing an agreed fee structure and my response was to pull all the files - which they tried to fight by contacting the clients, our customers.
One thing lead to another and after a few choice words, I arose from my seat, looked at my assistant and said, “Patty, show these guys to the door”…and I walked out of the meeting. The look on their faces (and my assistant’s) was priceless - it was a mixture of “he can’t do that” and “…he just did”. We had a claim manager at that meeting and she found me later and said she couldn’t believe I did that - with amusement and admiration in her eyes.
I generally fucking hate lawyers. And the only thing worse than a lawyer, if you can believe such a creature exists, is doctors. Doctors are the more arrogant pricks on the planet. It’s a wonder their mothers even love them. When I handled medical malpractice claims, our lawyers spent as much time working on a doctor’s demeanor as they did working on the facts of the case. Ok, I exaggerate, but as a group, they are the most aloof and arrogant - far worse than lawyers. [/quote]
But truthfrully, I can say nothing because anyone affiliated with the insurance industry is operating at the absolute bottom of the moral barrel.
I fixed your post:)
[quote]TheBodyGuard wrote:
I kicked a bunch of lawyers out of a meeting once. I was Director of Litigation for an insurance company and they insisted they meet me b/c they weren’t getting any new work. Well, they unilaterally started changing an agreed fee structure and my response was to pull all the files - which they tried to fight by contacting the clients, our customers.
One thing lead to another and after a few choice words, I arose from my seat, looked at my assistant and said, “Patty, show these guys to the door”…and I walked out of the meeting. The look on their faces (and my assistant’s) was priceless - it was a mixture of “he can’t do that” and “…he just did”. We had a claim manager at that meeting and she found me later and said she couldn’t believe I did that - with amusement and admiration in her eyes.
I generally fucking hate lawyers. And the only thing worse than a lawyer, if you can believe such a creature exists, is doctors. Doctors are the more arrogant pricks on the planet. It’s a wonder their mothers even love them. When I handled medical malpractice claims, our lawyers spent as much time working on a doctor’s demeanor as they did working on the facts of the case. Ok, I exaggerate, but as a group, they are the most aloof and arrogant - far worse than lawyers. [/quote]
Okay BG serius question for a moment, I have worked in the medical field going on 20 years. My opinion on the Dr statement above is a little different. My question is
Do you find that statement really breaks down to older Dr’s? I find that Drs now in there mid 30’s-40’s are of a little different mindset. I do agree that the older generation were arrogant pricks and I have worked with 100’s over the years. Just wondering if you have any dealings with the newer younger generation.
My experience is that newer generations have now a better understanding of the fact the medical field has become a service industry. We are now past the age of the Dr knows all and is the end all of medical care. Just wondering.
[quote]DJHT wrote:
[quote]TheBodyGuard wrote:
I kicked a bunch of lawyers out of a meeting once. I was Director of Litigation for an insurance company and they insisted they meet me b/c they weren’t getting any new work. Well, they unilaterally started changing an agreed fee structure and my response was to pull all the files - which they tried to fight by contacting the clients, our customers.
One thing lead to another and after a few choice words, I arose from my seat, looked at my assistant and said, “Patty, show these guys to the door”…and I walked out of the meeting. The look on their faces (and my assistant’s) was priceless - it was a mixture of “he can’t do that” and “…he just did”. We had a claim manager at that meeting and she found me later and said she couldn’t believe I did that - with amusement and admiration in her eyes.
I generally fucking hate lawyers. And the only thing worse than a lawyer, if you can believe such a creature exists, is doctors. Doctors are the more arrogant pricks on the planet. It’s a wonder their mothers even love them. When I handled medical malpractice claims, our lawyers spent as much time working on a doctor’s demeanor as they did working on the facts of the case. Ok, I exaggerate, but as a group, they are the most aloof and arrogant - far worse than lawyers. [/quote]
Okay BG serius question for a moment, I have worked in the medical field going on 20 years. My opinion on the Dr statement above is a little different. My question is
Do you find that statement really breaks down to older Dr’s? I find that Drs now in there mid 30’s-40’s are of a little different mindset. I do agree that the older generation were arrogant pricks and I have worked with 100’s over the years. Just wondering if you have any dealings with the newer younger generation.
My experience is that newer generations have now a better understanding of the fact the medical field has become a service industry. We are now past the age of the Dr knows all and is the end all of medical care. Just wondering. [/quote]
3/5 groomsmen in my wedding are doctors. They are all confident/bordering on arrogant. It’s why we get along so well.
No idea how they are in a professional setting.
the group I deal with are overconfident and childish.
overbearing and competent would be a plus.
[quote]SSC wrote:
I kick guys out of Best Buy on the reg.
'Sup now fools?[/quote]
You kick people out of Best Buy? Is there some bar over by the laser printers that I’ve been unaware of all this time?
[quote]BONEZ217 wrote:
If this happens again, after they refuse to leave, instead of cursing at them, calmly lock the door and tell them they cant leave.
Then beat them up with baseball bats. Then throw them out and trash their motorcycles [/quote]
I may try this next.
They are coming back to the clients’ office (really a factory) this afternoon. I had him remove all the furniture in the office they will be in except folding chairs and a folding table and lined the floor with plastic sheets like in Casino or perhaps Dexter.
We put up “fresh paint” signs and had them paint the door to get the smell.
It’s a game now.