Just. Don't. Suck (Part 1)

It’s funny that you’re thinking of changing. I’ve been thinking about adopting your style of training. I’ll probably pick a program split and run it in order regardless of the days of the week (which will be odd for me). I don’t know if I’ll train 4 or 6 days a week but I’ll just keep going in order regardless.

I get a little stressed when I have to work out on a given day or else it’ll screw up the week. It’s dumb. I’ll just take days off whenever.


I’ve luckily been fairly consistent with my days, but lately I’ve just been rolling through the workouts when I can do them and it’s a huge relief to not feel locked into specific days. A good Wendler quote paraphrased “your body has no idea which day it is”. I bet an F bomb would fit in there nicely.


I’ve had to start doing this lately too. Plan a certain number of workouts for a cycle and just know through them whenever I can. Does limit how you can program a bit because you have no idea how recovered you’ll be, and only vague ideas of your weekly volume.


If I plan a workout then it usually has the main work programmed up front. I have to go in and do whatever it says whether I feel terrible or awesome. It only works if I start too light and progress from there.

I ran CT’s Simple Guaranteed Strength and Size program last year and my final weights were 20 - 40 lbs below my PRs (except on squat). I got the final weights with ease and then matched or set new PRs on the next set. It worked great.

I also plan my workouts based on my work schedule. I struggle to do much on work days so I make those lighter or shorter days when I can.

Moving forward I’ll just be doing a push/pull split. I might lift seven days a week and I might lift three. It just depends on life.

I guess that’s the beauty of being injured all the time. I’ve reset my perspective and I think I might be training for maintenance for quite a while. Maintenance doesn’t require near as much effort.

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Forgot my daily check in.

Woke at 232.6 lbs.

Work was busy. We finally got lunch at 3. I ate two Grilled Cool Wraps at Chick-fil-A. I’m potentially going to drink Sam Adams for dinner… I haven’t decided.

I said I was done with basketball and squatting for the year, but now that I know my hip capsule is okay I’m reconsidering. Squats are definitely out, but basketball might be coming back. I’m thinking about saving my impact for the court. I can do my cardio/conditioning on the elliptical and bike to save my joints and then really enjoy myself on the court when I expose myself to the pounding of running and jumping.

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Just catching up on your log and was sorry to hear about your hip prognosis. I think leaving those lifts alone that cause you pain and leaning out is a great plan.

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Test it out man, maybe you can get away with basketball being your only hip stressor and recover fine from it! I’m hoping you can.

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Woke at 231.4 lbs.

Does anyone else feel like we’re living in fast forward? How is it already February?

I’m hoping to at least get in a lifting session today. I’m not attached to any particular schedule but I don’t like missing two days in a row.

Edit: My knee has felt much better after one session of working my glutes, abductors, and adductors. Weird… Lol!


Yes Jan flew by. And that is a good thing. This school year was running smooth then a huge apple cart overturned.

Our officer on duty, reassigned to the elementary school. Our head coach retired and lots of other things working.

I’m sure there is a long list of people who want a head football coaching job.

Yer the world is spinning out of control and time is racing by.

Training - Pull Workout

10 minute half assed shoot around

50 x 20 ea x 2 sets

130 x 10/15 x 2 sets each

140 x 15, 12

140 x 12 x 3 sets

115 x 5
155 x 3
Nope. Biceps tendon won’t stay in place.

155 x 5
175 x 5
195 x 5

110 x 15
125 x 15
125 x 2…cramp!

110 x 12 x 2 sets

I felt lost tonight but I’ll have some sore muscles. I need to remember to hit four exercises and get out. I meant to do some cardio but I took too long with everything else.



Woke at 230.2 lbs again. I think I’m close to breaking the 230 barrier but tomorrow’s dinner is going to prevent that :laughing: I’m going to Wings & Rings for the Super Bowl and I will be eating two dishes of fried chicken wings and it will be delicious!

I planned to train today during my lunch break but I got pretty deep into a case this morning. I stopped a car I’ve been waiting for and it turned into four cases and a lot of follow up to connect the dots of their thievery. Hopefully they’ll get charged because I busted my ass on it. I know that if I didn’t do all of the work then it wouldn’t get done and they’d get away with it. I’m not holding my breath but I’m hoping for at least one charge out of it.

I suppose I still have time to go train but it’s already 2:45 pm. I can lift tomorrow… if work allows it.


I don’t envy that part of your job. Due process is an absolutely necessary part of our admittedly very flawed legal system, but it’s got to be frustrating from your position to do everything right, have absolutely no doubt that someone is guilty of whatever it may be, and have the prosecutor decide it’s not worth pursuing. I think that would almost be worse than someone getting off on a technicality when they’re clearly guilty. Also the whole ‘doing someone else’s job so that there’s at least a chance of something sticking’ has to stick in your craw. Nothing but respect for what you do.


This is infuriating. There are circumstances where I’d lose my job and possibly get charged with some sort of crime if I didn’t make an arrest, but the prosecutor can deny prosecution for no reason and there’s no consequences. There is no checks and balances for them. They’re the end of the road and that’s it.

This part doesn’t bother me much. It’s just a statistical play. It’s better for me to connect the dots and write my cases so that it’s easy to put the whole picture together. Detectives get a lot of cases - especially in larceny (theft). I wrote four cases today and connected those to three more. The odds of the same detective getting all of those assigned to him/her is low. The odds of them realizing they’re connected is even lower. I did everything I could to get something to stick. I even emailed the larceny supervisor with a list of the cases so he’d assign all of them to the same person.

A lot of our theft cases don’t get assigned to a detective because there’s no evidence or suspect information. For example, my suspect from today stole tags off of four cars this week. She would swap them when she stole them so the victims didn’t even notice. That allowed her to drive around with a tag that appeared to be valid because she selected tags on near identical vehicles. She thought she could do this to avoid detection when she committed her other thefts.

Unfortunately for her, she stole property from a car at my son’s daycare so I took a special interest and went looking for her. I had to call the owners of the tags after I stopped her and work backwards from there. None of the four tags were reported stolen because the owners didn’t even know.

Dealing with meth addicts is like going down a rabbit hole.

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That’s pretty crazy. I’ve been following a case that’s been going on over here in Eastern Kansas with some interest, because my daughter is involved. She’s a night manager at Pizza Hut and she got held up at gunpoint last year with the night deposit. They finally caught the guy, I think on something unrelated (he had been pretty busy in the small counties around here), and he still had the Pizza Hut deposit bag in his house. He even robbed the gun store up in Lyndon, KS, along with a bunch of other stuff. They have him dead to rights as far as I can tell, including his girlfriend flipping on him for a lighter sentence for her part in the whole deal. Turns out he used to work at the Pizza Hut.

We had another Pizza Hut robbery attempt about a month ago, as well. Someone tried to rob the delivery driver, came up behind him while he was walking up to a house, and the driver turned around and decked him out cold. Driver left, pretty shaken up, and called the cops, but the guy was gone when they got there. Fortunately the neighbor across the street had a porch security cam that caught the whole thing, and the cops recognized the guy and got him.

I also had the cops come to my door in the middle of the night a few weeks ago, because they caught someone coming out of my rental house, which is empty right now and unlivable because it’s in early renovation stages. He had only taken my old navy peacoat, though, and it was one of the stupid crazy cold nights, so I declined to press charges.

I know the 2 Pizza Hut incidents were meth-related, and I strongly suspect that the other one was, too. That shit really is a plague.

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Woke at 231.2 lbs. Dinner was great last night but I definitely ate too much and probably ate too much salt but it was good. Homemade guacamole was probably the main dish for me.

Push Workout (lunch break)

115 x 10, 10, 8 —>goal is 3 x 10 and then I’ll go up.

superset with

130 x 10 x 2
130 x 15 w/ 5 sec eccentrics

75 x 8, 6
55 x 9

superset with

2 x 12

30 x 10 x 3 sets

superset with

80 x 10F/10B/10T x 2 sets

25 minutes and out


I think you’ve just answered my problems. Didn’t even consider 1.5 reps for bench.

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It hurts so good! I do the extra half on the bottom portion. I did the same on OHP today too.

Brutal session man. That incline with 1.5 reps…oh my

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