Hi there. I am gonna try a 4 day sheiko program.
training experience : trained alitle at home for about 1 year something, but didnt start to go to gym before 6 months ago. at about juni I lost my card and didnt find it again before august, so you could say that I´ve been to the gym for about 4-5 months.
Age : 16
country : Sweden, excuse me for my poor english : )
Weight : 80kg
lenght : 5’10 ? 183-184cm.
bench : 95kg on a good day
squat : 130kg bow squat, was pretty easy
deadlift : 160kg, 4 months ago, can´t deadlift anymore because of a “jersey finger”.
sports : American football, I play running back.
So I will atempt sheiko with 100kg in the bench that is +5 kg more then my real max, but the weights looked pretty easy anyway, I just hope that the volume wont kill me.
Just gonna go for the 130kg, even tho it was an easy lift.
no deadlifting, my finger can not really support any weight, after 90-100kg the finger wont “work” anymore, I tested with rems aswell but it still hurts.
american football:
I only train on wednesday on the off season, gonna take it easy and watch for overtraning.
here is a movie: - YouTube
bench, at the chest, I dont seem to get any speed at all there.
squat: I look down at the start.
gonna start tomorrow, anyone got any tips ? something on my technique?