Jurgen Weineck books

Hi CT,
In another post you mention that the best book you have read is by Jurgen Weineck, could you give me the name of the book either in french or english, I have found a couple of his books and would like to know wich is the one you recommend.

In french it’s:

“Manuel d’entrainement” published by Vigot (sport collection). It’s the 4th edition and it is translated by Michel Portmann and Robert Handschuh

The original title is Optimales Training

Christian-The original text is German?

Yup, I just checked it out on Amazon Germany. It’s 49 Euros, think it’s worth it?

I read it…optimales training in german…interesting and complete…a must for charles poliquin also…he wrote other books, basically adaptating the material eache time to the discipline he wrote of…
many european research , obviously…

I read it…optimales training in german…interesting and complete…a must for charles poliquin also…he wrote other books, basically adaptating the material eache time to the discipline he wrote of…
many european research , obviously…