Jump Rope Training

In an effort to add more athleticism/high-intensity cardio to my regiment, I was considering mixing in some jump rope intervals into my GPP days. There’s one little problem: I don’t know how. Any suggestions on books, websites, etc. that walk someone through the whole process of picking a rope, learn the moves, gaining proficiency, etc. (And please don’t tell me to just grab a rope and try it…I’ve done that, and the results aren’t pretty!). BTW, I don’t need to learn any acrobatics, dance moves, etc.–just a straight boxer-type workout is plenty. Thanks in advance…

I think if you search in issue 174 that might help a bit.

In faith,

Coach Davies

Check out Buddy Lee’s website for jump ropes and training instruction.

Try this site. Warning: for serious skippers only.


Sup- Cute. But if you ever come to NYC and see (mostly black) schoolgirls double dutching in front of their schools or in the yard, you will be blown away how good most of the girls are. They go really fast, keep a good rhythm, and sing. Great workout and I’m sure it does wonders for their coordination and balance, quickness and agility.

Ya really need to get Renegade training.

Thanks for the replies, guys. I’m off to search out the article Coach Davies suggested, and I’ll write back with any follow-ups. Later…

Just a plug: Buddy Lee jumps ropes will be coming to the T-Jack Reports section soon. Be sure to sign up to get a free one and a Buddy Lee instructional DVD.


I know this is exactly what you didn’t want to hear, but…just like you, I always wanted to add jumprope training to my program but never did it as a kid and have terrible rhythmic coordiantion. What helped me was a couple things. First, finding a rope that was relatively sturdy and heavier than an ordinary rope (as it tended to move more smoothly and slowly). I know they make special weighted ropes that go anywhere from 4 to 12 lbs, but that’s probably going a little crazy. Second, limiting my jumprope training to 30 seconds on / 30 seconds off cycles and keeping my initial total training time dowm to 20 or 30 minutes. This helped me focus for short amounts of time on a relatively new skill and kept me from getting too frustrated. Finally, I limited my jumping to only once a week due to the impact and because by that time the frustration from my last session had pretty much worn off. And don’t forget the music. System Of A Down’s “Toxicity” did wonders for me.
Good luck!

  • T

when i first started boxing i couldnt jump a rope to save my life. so i bought a rope measured it to the right length(which the handles should just reach your armpits when standing on the rope.) i practiced for days in my garage and now can skip for a 1/2 hour straight while doing crossovers,running man and boxers skip ect.
I still practice boxing and mma fighting in my garage and recently orderd coach davies book renegade training for football. my wife and i both love the book and my wife who is a personal trainer and is nasm certified enjoys applying the different exercises to her clients needs and is seeing great results from doing so. i have started practicing the snatch and other great exercises and routines myself and im seiing great results myself. enjoy the rope training i think it is better than running for cardio and conditioning your body.

Thanks again for all the great responses, guys! I did a little more research, and thoroughly digest Coach Davies’ old article (worth its weight in gold–thanks, Coach!).

Just this afternoon I grabbed an old leather and wood jumprope I inherited from my old man, and added a couple of minutes jumping between sets on my Traps/Hams/Lower Back day.

Two hours later and I’m still sweating! Funny, though, reading Coach’s article and hearing your replies seemed to trigger something in me…I was actually going at it pretty good for a while. Sugar Ray Leonard certainly has nothing to fear, but I could actually jump long enough to elicit a cardio effect. Power of positive thinking, I suppose.

I’m still keen on finding a tape so I can actually watch someone doing the drills, but your collective input has certainly got me off to a good start.

Thanks again…

Check out Buddy Lee’s web site. He has a video and a book available.