Juiceys 2024 Comeback

After spending basically most of last year off from training due to sudden life changes, I have been making a return these past few weeks. I have always used T-Nation mainly just reading never actually creating an account. So here we are, starting by making the log and I will try to add to every few days or at least once a week.

I started training around 4-5 years ago, but including the recent break i’ve had about 2 years of that not training. Life just wants to get in my way :slight_smile: The primary goal is Strength, specifically to compete in lightweight strongman but I am also looking to add some overall weight. Im 25, approx 10% - 13% bf, 5ft11 and current weight is around 77kg. I would like to get back to around 80kg+ walking weight.

All time best lifts under 80kg, drug free, are as follows
S : 195kg in sleeves
B : 120kg in sleeves
D : 255kg (stiff bar raw or with straps, 200x10 beltless)
Log : 90kg for ? reps (thinner log) in sleeves
Neural Row : 160 x 5 (v cheaty, was in my prep for 250)
Trap bar Farmers : 205kg for a fast 25m, idk the times now

Looking ahead
So the goal as I said is strength and to add some size to sit just over 80kg would be ideal to look for some comps later in the year/next year for u80kg. Before pushing the weight again at a later stage. Incremental jumps. Also going to be adding some olympic lifting in the background just for overall tech and to learn split jerk.

Current training
I am currently on week 3 of an Eccentric/Isometric phase. I plan on running this for around 8 weeks then I will most likely get on some kind of high volume phase. Main goal is to build out an unstoppable base. I have worked on eccentric/isometrics before but never had a dedicated phase for it so i’m hoping this will vastly increase the strength I extract later in the year. Intensity is low at the moment, due to the time off I just can’t handle the loads as much, never mind just being weaker. But that will come back rapid, ive been here before.

So I work nights on 12 hours shifts, 4 on 4 off, but from home so it isn’t as bad. I run an upper/lower, my 2 middle mornings after finishing work, training at my brothers as its across the road, got full rack and log, etc. Mainly skill work on the log. I do PPL for the first 3 days that I am off work, in a ‘normal’ gym, the order changes depending on where/who I train with. And I either have an off day or do some form of events, lacking areas etc if I am bored. So my cycles are 8 days long, trying to train all muscle groups 2x and also get a primary/variational work for the core lifts and some form of events work.

Rate im gonna end my bible off here cos i just never end and am sure no one will read this but its a start :laughing:

Will add this weeks log over the weekend to get things kicked off as im off after tonight…

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Lower - 3/4/24 7am, “feel like death”

Warm Up

Curl Ups, Side Plank, Bird Dog
Single Leg Balance, King Deadlift

Back Squat,

150x1, 10 Second Eccentric, faster concentric than last weeks
120 4x5, 4 Second Eccentric, added a pause, ez

Deadstop Good Mornings, Raw, Low Deadstop 25

60 3x8 Still plenty to add on here

King Single Leg RDL

10L 10R x 2

Bodyweight Knee Extensions

10,8,6, Increasing Distance

Bodyweight Hamstring Curl

12,10,10, Increasing Distance

10 min walk

Upper - 4/4/24 7am (least fav session, just wanna train legs :laughing: )

Warm Up

Curl Ups, Side Plank, Bird Dog
Face pulls, Band dislocated, Overhead banded triceps

Log Press (First DIP focussed session)

50 7x5 (1 = 1 Clean, 5 Push Press, first 3 with 1-2s paused dip) 50%~

Incline DB bench

15 3x15 (restoration intensity, good tempo, full depth)

Trap 3 Raises (First week of clusters) love these

2.5 3x24 (3 x 3x8,5 second rest) 90 sec rest

Behind the neck Lat Pulldown

3x12 (5 Reps,5s hold,4reps,5s hold,3 reps,10s hold)

Chest Supported DB Row (Feel like my lungs gonna recollapse)

20/17/15 x 10/10/8 (full stretch out Infront, big squeeze)

10 Min walk

Some of these are still new exercises to me, or we are way out in terms of intensity, focusing on tech, mobility. Weight will come. No rushing this time.


read it.

following along.

Just taken a look and following on, where are you based? As a KG user I’m guessing either the UK or somewhere that was in the British Empire :rofl:

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