After a 6 month or so stay with 5/3/1, ive decided to switch gears a little bit and go with the Juggernaut Method. For those who are familiar with 5/3/1, the juggernaut method employes a lot of the same philosophies and is a similiar program, the main difference being the cycles are longer. There is are 10,8,5,3 cycles with that being the rep goal on the 3rd week. For each rep over that goal, you add 2.5 pounds to upper body training maxes and 5 pounds to lower body training maxes before moving on to the next phase. After the 3 cycle, ill test my max and start over again.
My most recent top sets from 5/3/1:
Bench:205x6 est1RM: 245
Squat:195x10 est1RM: 260
Press:100x14 est1RM: 145
deadlift:350x5 est1RM: 410
Training maxes for the 10s cycle will be:
bench: 220
squat: 235
press: 130
dead: 370
Good luck! I am doing this program also and will be following along. If you need a spreadsheet I have a good one that calculates your numbers for you which helps alot since there are alot of %'s in this program.
Thanks man and good luck to you as well! and I just posted in another lifter’s log asking if you wouldnt mind sending it to me haha so yea id definetely sppreciate it
PM me your email and I’ll send you it
10s week 1 Bench
5x10 135lbs
machine row:
shoulder press
tri pushdown
Ez bar curl
Workout went well, the high volume was definetely a change of pace from what ive been doing the last few months, and I can definetly feel it this morning
10s week 2 bench
machine row
5 sets
db shoulder press
5 sets
5 sets
Each workout is showing me more and more how bad I suck at high reps. Bench seems to be the worst as well, it just seems to me once i get a pump from the high reps i have real trouble getting the last 3 or 4 reps to go up, its a weird feeling bc its not that the weight feels too heavy, i guess i just need more time to get used to it
Looks like a hell of a program, I hate high rep work but thats why I (you) should probably be doing it.
Just had to say the token ‘our numbers are almost bang on’, except your deadlifts! Its like 80 pounds heavier than man. Keep a-grinding man.
was that 5 sets of 20 of OHP? damn
1 Like
Don’t worry you’ll get used to the high reps. Keep it up!
[quote]cowboyfromhell wrote:
Looks like a hell of a program, I hate high rep work but thats why I (you) should probably be doing it.
Just had to say the token ‘our numbers are almost bang on’, except your deadlifts! Its like 80 pounds heavier than man. Keep a-grinding man.[/quote]
its pretty great so far, everyday woops my ass. Thanks for the encouragement, and yea my deadlifts are definetely my best lift, and ive only been training them for just over a year
[quote]caveman101 wrote:
was that 5 sets of 20 of OHP? damn[/quote]
the first couple sets were, but i increase the weight each set, with a rep goal between 10 and 20, so it may look like this :20,20,16,14,12
[quote]trav123456 wrote:
Don’t worry you’ll get used to the high reps. Keep it up![/quote]
thanks bud
Posting to subscribe.
Really interesting training this juggernaut method.
You expecting a tonne of mass too?
10s week 2 squat
285x1 (PR)
300x1 (PR)
seated good mornings
I watched the “so you think you can squat” vids that elite put up, and i realize that i have been squatting the wrong way for a LONG time. So today was the first workout with the correct form, and i felt great. In the videos the guy that is being the guinea pig hit a 25lb PR by fixing his form, and since all my sets felt really light, i figured i may as well try. Sure enough, i finally beat a PR that took me over a year to break, and then broke it again!
[quote]MAsteve wrote:
Posting to subscribe.
Really interesting training this juggernaut method.
You expecting a tonne of mass too? [/quote]
Im not bulking at the moment, im gonna be leaning up until July, but after that ill start a bulk. I have no doubt that this program will be perfect for a bulk
10s week 2 Deadlift
Power Clean
210x1 (PR)
Lat Pulldown
Machine Row
Db Row
I see you’re doing some oly lifts, you’ll have to let me know how those are with this program!
[quote]trav123456 wrote:
I see you’re doing some oly lifts, you’ll have to let me know how those are with this program![/quote]
Yeah, ive always kept cleans in my programs ever since high school football. They feel good as a warmup to deadlifting, and it really makes your first couple of deadlifting sets feel light