Journal: Foenix

Hey everyone, this is my journal. :stuck_out_tongue:

Here is a little about me:

Name: Alex
Age: 16 (Birthday is Feb 10)
Weight: 170
Height: 6"0
Body Fat: 9% (Not exact)

I go to a boarding school in Canada. I work very hard in the gym, and eat well. It is almost impossible for me to gain fat, which makes staying away from greasy foods even harder than it already is.

I started my attempt at training when I was in Grade 8. Since then I have learned a lot, and come a long way. I focussed mainly on strength during the last year, but unfortunately lost a lot of my gains during summer when I was doing a lot of boxing, muay thai and BJJ training.

Max Lifts:

Bench: 215
Chin-up: 220
Squat: 240
Deadlift: 300
Press: 170


Strength has always been important to me, but I am going to put a little more attention towards hypertrophy now. I just started Chadā€™s HFT program.

I will post my diet and workout everyday. Any comments are appreciated!


4 x 6
Rest: 60 seconds between pairings.

A1 Back Squat (165)
A2 Bent-Over Row (135)

B1 DB Military Press (40 x 2)
B2 Lunges (50 x 2)

C1 Standing Calf Raises (315 on Leg Press)
C2 Incline Bench Press, Close Grip (135)


400 mL orange juice
Turkey sandwich on whole wheat
Creatine (5g)

400 mL orange juice
Turkey sandwich on whole wheat

Double decker sandwich on whole wheat loaded with meat and chese

Dinner (post-workout):
Creatine, 10 g

Evening Snack:
Surge with 400 mL milk


My workout was horrible today. It was my first day back at school and I was exhausted. My shipment of supplements from T-Nation arrived though, which boosted my mood. I canā€™t wait to start taking them tomorrow.

Jeeezus. Why the fuck did you post a picture of you in your undies?

Save it for the ladies son. Or your boyfriend.

For someone your age your program and exercise choices are quite good.

You are nowhere near 9% though, in the split second that I saw your pic before I had to look away before my retinaā€™s were burned, i would guess you being more than 15%.

Surge as a snack before bed is a terrible idea. If you actually do want to be get below 9%bf, then you should start limiting carbs except around training sessions.

Even if your goal is pure hypertrophy Surge as a snack before bed is at best a waste of money.

[quote]bushidobadboy wrote:
No offence dude, but I believe there was a collective desire that this forum not be cluttered up with training logs.

You have a blog function available to you. I suggest you use it.

Wait, this is an old thread, why is it only showing up now? Thatā€™s very odd.


b/c you bumped it? or that might hold the record for longest lag in posting

[quote]jehovasfitness wrote:
bushidobadboy wrote:
No offence dude, but I believe there was a collective desire that this forum not be cluttered up with training logs.

You have a blog function available to you. I suggest you use it.

Wait, this is an old thread, why is it only showing up now? Thatā€™s very odd.


b/c you bumped it? or that might hold the record for longest lag in posting[/quote]

Yeah, I was going to jump on the guy for not using the Training Logs forum for this, but then I noticed the date of his last post in the thread.
