I’ll give a detailed reply tomorrow after I finish up working (so probably tomorrow late afternoon/evening.)
I’m relation to you’re insertions, would you say you have a large bone structure? What’s calf size?
Lyrica was awful for me, the cognitive deficits I acquired while on were extreme… I still believe the medication induced residual damage/irreversible neurotoxicity still present today
Benzodiazepines I was never prescribed, aside from perhaps diazepam, most medical professionals are very cautious to prescribe benzodiazepines here (diazepam is like the equivalent of a schedule V drug in the US, thus it’s prescribed somewhat more freely). It does appear to have a lower abuse potential due to longer duration of action, slow(ish) onset and time to peak etc.
The strongest med I was ever/have been prescribed for chronic pain was tapentadol… the strongest medication I ever TOOK to manage chronic pain at the time was Oxycodone. Vigorous Exercise and supraphysiologic concentrations of hormones has gone a long way in relation to helping me manage with day to day life. I don’t use pain meds anymore unless it’s an absolute emergency. In which case I have oxycodone, tapentadol or Dextropropoxyphene (however this one is quite dangerous, therapeutic window is very small but I’ve found it to work better than anything else). I’ve only had to use (in relation to chronic pain flaring up) about three or four times this year
I’m scheduled for a cortisone shot within the subacromial bursa of my shoulder… so that should provide some relief (also have legitimate pathology regarding my joints and connective tissues)
As to you’re predicament being sad, that’s exactly why I started researching medicine in the first place… keep it up, rare and/or uncommon disorders aren’t purposely forgotten about, they just don’t cater to the uniform demographic… just like school, thus the ones with lesser known ailments are typically forgotten as it’s theoretically more practical to treat the 99.9 percent rather than the 0.1, by being you’re own advocate (something I’ve had to learn to do an awful lot throughout my life at this point) you can still make life of adequate quality
You’re situation regarding MDMA is a very unfortunate one, however there are known consequences that may stem from the use of recreational drugs. You made the decision to use them, you had an unfortunate reaction and now you must live to the best or you’re ability with the setbacks you’ve been given
Whilst we don’t have a whole lot of research on MDMA induced neurological/ nervous system imbalance, I imagine as laws loosen up and more research is allowed (as the conservatives die out #jokes) we will have a better understanding and thus a cure
Even the use of cannabis can have fairly dire consequences for a select few (long standing psychosis is debated) but look up cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome