Joined up Aug 20, 2002
So I haven’t been in too long, as far as branch of service goes, you made the right choice. Bootcamp for me was 6 weeks, but they’re changing it to 8 weeks soon, I think an extra week for warrior week which makes it two. (sleeping in tents, carrying a rubber rifle)
If I can offer any advice, it would be to get a job that you can get on the outside as well. If you don’t see yourself retiring in 20 yrs or more, and want to get out earlier, you’ll have background experience to get a good job. Plus you get college credits for most technical schools you’ll go to, so you’ll have a good chance to get your associates/bachelors and maybe even become an officer.
I made the mistake of becoming an armament systems technician, basically loading missiles on jets and fixing the aircraft weapon systems(LOAD TOAD), which does nothing for me if I decide not to re-enlist, but does great things for my shoulders
Try to steer clear from CE (Civil Engineering) or security forces/security police- they do many 12 hour shifts.
As far as bootcamp goes, the run is only like a mile and a half to two miles, and you have like 15 min so it’s pretty much cake. pushups and situps are between 55-62.
From what I can remember PT was 3 times a week. You do a lot of marching and go through many boring lectures that you don’t really have to pay attention to-the only challenge with that is staying awake, if you dose off you get an ass chewing.
Study the material that is given to you, you’ll have to remember ranks, names in the government (secretary of the airforce, commander of the base, the president, duh) stuff like that. Most TI’s just stop you in your tracks and quiz you on them.
Just don’t be a knuckle head, listen to things the first time it’s said- and follow it to a T. The whole goal in bootcamp is to break you down, and build you back up again, so they’re going to say a lot of things that sound stupid, just swallow your pride and do them.
One more thing, don’t listen to a word of your recruiter, they are so full of shit. they’re all buddy buddy with you and lie to your face-all they want is your signature on the contract.
Feel free to PM me if you have any specific questions and I’ll do my best to answer them. Good luck and welcome to the family.