Joe Rogan Podcast: U.S. Air Force Textbook - Chapter on Aliens

Did anyone watch the new episode with Jeremy Corbell and George Knapp? In particular the part about a chapter in an Air Force textbook. It seems they covered or taught about the subject of aliens to Plebes, but when people found out, they pulled it.

I have never heard this textbook being mentioned before.

“Major Kilpatrick, as second ranking officer in public affairs at the Air Academy, is in a position to speak authoritatively for the Air Force. He admitted at once that Plebes are taught from a text entitled “Introductory Space Science, Volume II” and an entire Chapter 33 deals entirely with UFO considerations.”

Pretty interesting.

Link to Chapter: Microsoft Word - 1968 INTRODUCTORY SPACE SCIENCE - CLEAN-BOLD (1) copy 2.doc (

I think this is what is known as a reach. But that’s what the ghost and alien hunters do. There is absolutely nothing shocking or even revealing about that chapter, especially when you consider when it was written. This was when you had movies like 2001 A Space Odyssey, shows like Star Trek and books like Chariots of the Gods.

:thinking: Thats exactly what someone who was paid to say that would say.