July 7th UFO Sighting in China

Pictures are pretty substantial.


I heard they closed the airport and were diverting incoming planes.

Pretty cool stuff!

I want more. Like high def video proof damnit! Why is it always crappy video? Probably cause it’s normally fake.

Sweeet. Very interesting.

You know, I beleieved all my life that UFO’s where the real deal. But have you ever noticed how nothing substantial is ever found out or revealed about the phenomenon.

Over 60 years of sightings and pictures and still no one seems to know a damn thing.
I and a lot of other people have been waiting for first contact or a new Roswell, but nothing like that ever seems to happen.

Everyone seems to stop and visit but no one ever comes down and says hello. Or leaves some kind of sign of why they come or what they think of our world. Why is that?

Recently I have started to have doubts.

so fake it hurts my eyes.

UFO’s sighting are a double edged sword. You want it to be real because, well it’s a fuckin’ alien and aliens are awesome! but at the same time if they can travel here they can destroy us without a problem.

There was a twilight zone(b&w oldie) episode I watched when I was a little dripper that scared the shit out of me. It was the one titled " How To Serve Man". Anyway aliens come down to earth and make nicey with us and give us a book called how to serve man. While the aliens are being friendly and offering earthlings a chance to go back to their home planet our experts are slowly trying to decipher the alien language from the book they handed over. At the end the language experts figured out what the book was about. While everybody assumed from the title it was how are they going to help mankind…wrong!

It’s a cookbook on how to EAT mankind lol…sneaky aliens. I laugh now but it gave me the willies when I first watched it. Anyone else seen this episode?

I usually get a science chub about anything UFO related.

This however looks like a hologram of 4 children in a canoe.

it’s like in the V. they play nice, but…

anyways, can someone explain to me, WHY THE FUCK did no one in that stupid series ever wonder why aliens look like us?!? they come from a different planet. different evolution. the chances of them looking exactly like us are… astrocomical!

Yea, it is kinda scary, I mean if you try to put yourself in an ET’s shoes, why would you search for other life? Well if you are an race early in the space exploration phase, Say a little past our own advancement, where interstellar travel is possible but it’s not something you have been doing for a long time, then you may just be explorers and you may find life and study it from afar to gather as much information as possible whithout disturbing the natural balance of the world you are observing.

However, we all know star system die, Planets resources can be consumed and populations can multiply and overwhelm a given system. So there is also a strong chance that a further advanced race would be looking for resources, and the likleyhood that they would be hostile is pretty substantial.

Then again, a race MAY have advanced technologically to the point where they can use energy and resources in some way that is not harmful to thier own system. Say farming asteroids for raw materials and changing the molecular structure of the compounds to suit thier own needs. So a very advanced ET race could just be exploring as well and mean us no harm. Of course, they may also know that thier technology took a long time to develop, and there were lessons learned during the development that are essential to learn otherwise a race may misuse technology. So they may leave us alone as we would be too dangerous if we were allowed to weild advanced technology without learning the lessons they did through development.

In the end, I hope they don’t come here and destroy our planet or enslave humanity, maybe they could just take all the assholes and make them slaves and leave the good people.


That’s my Rape Axe.

Definitely the work of North Korea.

[quote]bond james bond wrote:

It’s a cookbook on how to EAT mankind lol…sneaky aliens. I laugh now but it gave me the willies when I first watched it. Anyone else seen this episode?

I believe there was Simpsons episode, you know, one of those Halloween Specials, where the plot revolved around this.

Awesome. Even if it isn’t real, I do believe there is the possibility…and people need to be reminded that there is a big fucking universe out there.

[quote]Mr. Frost wrote:

Everyone seems to stop and visit but no one ever comes down and says hello. Or leaves some kind of sign of why they come or what they think of our world. Why is that?


Because we’re the trailer park of the universe. If I was a advanced alien race I wouldn’t stop here either I’d just pass by and stare like a trip to the zoo.

^Experts believe that there are more galaxies in space than there are grains of sand on the earth.

[quote]Vegita wrote:

Pictures are pretty substantial.


It was obviously just the planet Venus.

There was a similar sighting in China a few days before. It looked like a a comet, I believe that some speculated it was a missile.

[quote]Dustin wrote:

[quote]Vegita wrote:

Pictures are pretty substantial.


It was obviously just the planet Venus.[/quote]

Yea, I know.

The cool thing is there are multiple pictures from multiple angles and distances. This isn’t a person flying a kite. SOMETHING is up there, weather it’s manmade or not is debateable, but there is no way this is some cheezy hoax. The last picture from the video is pretty clear and is just flat out creepy. What is the light beam coming down?


Very good chance it’s fake. The thing about aliens is that, in all realism, they’re probably not going to share similar characteristics as we do. We, as a human race, like to personify the possibility of aliens so we can feel more secure with ourselves. When, in fact, if aliens exist, they probably don’t communicate or see the universe on the same level that we do.

Let’s put it this way, humans experience the world through 5 different senses. We like to believe that aliens share similar senses, and even physiology, as been demonstrated by ALL alien movies / books / accounts / whatever throughout time. That is, bipedalism with the central intelligence output coming from a source similar to the brain / head.

There’s simply NO reason to believe this, other than we don’t have any kind of idea as to what other capabilities exist in the universe.

It’s possible that an alien life form would view the world through multi-dimensional projections, and that’s how they communicate with each other. That is - if communication between them is even a feasible concept. The dimensions in which they operate could or are probably well outside our realm of sense and concept.

Or, not only this, but we also like to attach the belief that aliens are scouring other worlds to communicate. Or find new resources, or something like that. People tend to think this is a much more hopeful and prosperous resolution than it’d really end up being.

Let’s suppose that aliens do see the universe through similar senses, and have human-like breathing patterns (again, highly unlikely, seeing as the human race was a fluke point in evolution anyway.) But suppose rather than exhaling carbon dioxide they exhale some form of chemical that inadvertantly destroys all the chlorophyll in the immediate area. Again, this ISN’T far-fetched concept because it’s silly to assume that a life form from an ENTIRELY different universe / planet evolved in a similar pattern to us.

This wouldn’t suggest malicious intent by the aliens, but rather an unknowing indifference to the effect that may cause on surrounding environments.

This all leads me back to the point of the ‘starships’ that are always found in poor-resolute videos and “eye-witness accounts;” there’s just very little chance of them being real. Why do they all share similar patterns of architecture and structure? Because they’re human-made concepts. All information suggests that a spaceship capable of traveling millions of lightyears will probably be MASSIVE. Like, Independence Day massive.

If the alien race has somehow found a way to “skip” across space, (which would also be faulty to assume because it’d be relying on similar human principles of quantifying the universe and would shatter everything we know about physics,) it would still be an extreme stretch to believe based on the fact of improbability of locating our desolate planet in a relatively large universe.

Again, people can make the argument that we have satellites and whatever else outputting signals from our planet, but that still defaults back to the assumption that an alien race perceives the world in a similar pattern to us - i.e., hearing through radio waves, technologies, etc.

[quote]xXSeraphimXx wrote:
There was a similar sighting in China a few days before. It looked like a a comet, I believe that some speculated it was a missile.

Thats awsome footage, it’s like no rocket/missle I have ever seen. Allthough it very well could have been. You can see it stage at one point, so it leads me to believe it is some type of rocket technology, maybe it’s something new?


[quote]Johnny T Frisk wrote:

[quote]Mr. Frost wrote:

Everyone seems to stop and visit but no one ever comes down and says hello. Or leaves some kind of sign of why they come or what they think of our world. Why is that?


Because we’re the trailer park of the universe. If I was a advanced alien race I wouldn’t stop here either I’d just pass by and stare like a trip to the zoo.

Good point.
Well ok if they think we suck and that were too primitive to bother with, they could call us douche bags and fly away. Give the finger. That kind of thing.

One of the major strikes against it as far as people taking it seriously is the extreme lack of interaction between us and these objects. It just seems like someone would have shot one down or bumped into it in the sky or collided with it in the sky or SOMETHING. How can i tbe that something like Roswell happened only ONE TIME in all these years. There’s something fishy about that…

And then all the abductees mostly seem like kooks, but you never know for sure because the evidence is so scant either way. They show up full of holes and scary stories and sometimes with implants. Like the movie Fire in The Sky. Some say it’s hysteria. Others say it’s real. But either way the issue just stays right where it is on and on.