Jim Wendler

does anyone else read his trainging log just to read his funny quips and see his tats?

I know Jim and he is a hilarious dude even in person.

Jackass has some funny stuff too.

jim just cracks me up. nice sleaves to though i prefer color in my tats. some red shading and white highlights and stronger blacks would make his tat pop more.

Jim likes the whole dark morbid tat look, which all in all his tat’s are pretty sweet. I also enjoy color tat’s. I never wanted color until I met my artist and he fucking blew me away w/ his skill. The fucker moved to California so I’ve been searching again. I wanted to check out Jim’s artist but that dude is in Texas and I live in Ohio so never mind. I am hoping my artist comes home soon to get more work done. I go to Gunnar. If you try www.godsandmonstersart.com you can find his stuff. He’s been in pretty much every mag out there.I tried to talk Jim into going to him before he moved the Cali but Jim is like me and is a one artist man. I think Jim wished he would have now though because his artist told him he wanted a tat from Gunnar. Tattos are the devil and I’m hooked.