Just saw this today and thought I would share. Since steroids were thought to be an issue in his death, turns out they were not is his system.
Wife says enlarged heart contributed to Strongman’s death
By Michael Dashiell
Staff writer
Jesse Marunde, a Sequim resident who competed in Strongman competitions nationally and worldwide, died from an enlarged heart condition, his wife said last week.
Marunde collapsed July 25 after a training session. Despite attempts of CPR on the scene by friends and medical workers, Marunde died on the scene.
Callie Marunde, Jesse�??s wife, said her husband died from arrhythmia, or irregular heartbeat or abnormal heart rhythm, after his workout because of an enlarged heart muscle.
Known as hypertrophic myocardium, Marunde�??s condition is a relatively rare genetic disease (one in 500 to one in 1,000) that, is �??the single most common cause of sudden death in otherwise healthy young people,�?? according to doctors from the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute.
The disease usually develops during adolescence during the period of rapid body growth but it may be present in childhood or even before birth, institute doctors said.
Callie Marunde said the family found one of Jesse�??s relatives had died at age 21 from a heart attack.
She said the autopsy and toxicology reports the family asked for in her husband�??s death �?? documents that are closed in Washington state to all but a few select persons (family members, the attending physician, law enforcement officials) clearly showed hypertrophic myocardium as cause of death.
Although the disease often isn�??t found for years and may not be a problem for people with moderate exercise habits, Jesse Marunde�??s routine was anything but moderate.
�??His heart has to work so much more,�?? Callie Marunde said. �??With the increased heart rate, it couldn�??t handle the workload.�??
She said if Jesse had to die that she felt fortunate it happened in Sequim rather than in a competition overseas and that he got so see their daughter (Jessica Joy) be born.
Marunde became a dominant figure in Strongman competitions, finishing second in the 2005 MetRx World�??s Strongest Man.
He also ran a gym in town with Callie and was personal trainer and workout partner for dozens of locals. He brought top athletes to Sequim for a Strongman competition at the Irrigation Festival each year.
After double knee surgery last year �?? one to repair a knee, the other an elective surgery to return to Strongman competitions �?? he was planning another run at the World�??s Strongest Man contest in Anaheim, Calif.
This summer, after a third-place finish at the Venice Beach Grand Prix, he qualified for the 2007 WSM event.
On July 25, he finished a series of squat sets, a 600-pound flip and 265-pound stone lift/load, according to workout partner John �??Sarge�?? Allen, who described the routine workout on Marunde-Muscle.com the couple�??s Web
After his workout, Marunde lay on his back and workout partners noticed his breathing became labored, Allen recalled. He became incoherent and stopped breathing.
He was 27 years old.