Jerk is Weaker Than Clean. Anyone Else?

I’m currently having issues matching my jerk up to my clean. I can clean 225 lbs but no way in Hell can I jerk that weight. My max jerk is only 185.

Should I perform the jerk individually with high intensity/low volume as is typical with most olympic weightlifting programs or should I add in some assistance exercises? What would you guys recommend if you were in my shoes?


I would do 2x clean 1 jerk with 175. I would also do loads of singles with 185. Why is your jerk so low? Must be a technical flaw somewhere.

Not sure what the issue is with my jerk. I feel I have pretty good form. I always do the triple extension, land with the back foot first and in a staggered yet wide stance.

When I do the triple extension for the jerk I keep the bar in the shelf position though I have seen some lifters adjust the bar so it’s in the palms of their hands. Do you guys think I should try that?

Very difficult to say without seeing. Can you post a vid?

Yeah I will tomorrow next day I lift.


So your max Jerk is supposed to be more than your max clean?

[quote]alexkx3 wrote:
So your max Jerk is supposed to be more than your max clean?[/quote]

Depends on the lifter.

[quote]alexkx3 wrote:
So your max Jerk is supposed to be more than your max clean?[/quote]

Ideally, yes. But, as mentioned, will vary depending on the lifter!!

Thanks for the advice guys. I blistered my hand pretty badly recently so I have been unable to do any olympic lifts at all as of late. When I recover though I’ll be happy to post a video of my form. I appreciate all the tips.

[quote]USAWchamp wrote:
Not sure what the issue is with my jerk. I feel I have pretty good form. I always do the triple extension, land with the back foot first and in a staggered yet wide stance.

When I do the triple extension for the jerk I keep the bar in the shelf position though I have seen some lifters adjust the bar so it’s in the palms of their hands. Do you guys think I should try that?[/quote]

Are you working out with anyone that knows what they are doing? Any older pros at your gym or are you in a home gym?

I know some oly lifters are iffy about strict pressing too much because they don’t want to reinforce press-outs and fuck with their technique, but with a jerk that low I would highly suggest getting your strict press up. If you can strict press 185, then you’ll be able to jerk wayyy more than that. While it’s probably a largely technical issue, just getting stronger putting weight overhead will also go a long way. So while you work on technique, also start building up your strength

Where do you lose the lift?? Most people lose the jerk in front because they are directing the bar forward.

Push press from front and back, rack jerks (from behind the neck) will all help. I would not bother with strict pressing, unless it’s abysmally weak, like less than 100lbs. Focus on weight being on heels and driving straight up. If you have decent form, then you don’t need to worry about back foot hitting first, etc.

I tend to lie somewhere between N.K. and olylifter106. I think you need to really work on your overhead pressing strength, and a strict press is a good way to do that, but I would do more push pressing than strict pressing. Basically I would do tons of jerks, presses, and strict presses. I think you have to have the strength to get the weight overhead before you can focus on actually driving the weight effectively–if your muscles aren’t bloody strong enough to move a weight slowly, how can they help drive the weight quickly?

Yes, I’m quite aware that the jerk is leg driven with a support rather than press out, but if you can’t even support 200 lbs overhead, how are you going to be able to drop, drive, and catch it? With a jerk that weak I think your overhead strength needs a lot of work, not just lots of technique work.

Out of curiosity, what is your overhead squat?