Jelly's Test/Tren Cycle

I was asked by several people to keep a log of my second cycle, however because of the added burden of currently building a home for my growing family, I wasn’t able to commit myself to posting regularly. So, instead I thought that an overview of my recent experience might be helpful for those considering running a test/tren cycle.

I’ll try to break down each week per post, so I can get all the information and details in without writing out one huge, long essay. And, I may have forgotten a few things along the way, so any questions/comments are welcome to jog my memory.

For those of you who don’t know me, my background is in competitive judo and no-gi grappling, and I dabble with some kickboxing (due to my sparring/coaching some local MMA fighters who wanted to cross-train with a “judo-guy”), so my physical goals have been mostly sportfight-based. More strength and power, better recovery from training and injuries, and consequently a better quality of life outside of the gym.

The cycle,
weeks 1-12: 250mg testosterone enanthate E3D
week 1: 150mg testosterone propionate EOD
week 2: 100mg testosterone propionate EOD
week 3: 50mg testosterone propionate EOD
weeks 1-8: 50mg trenbolone acetate ED
6.25mg exemestane (Aromasin) ED
PCT: test-taper

Looks like a very nice run, though I suppose you would match your esters (for the sake of simplicity) in a perfect world.

I’d also recommend keeping a close eye on your aromasin dosage. That’s a nice, small dosage if you can get away with it but I found my sensitive nips needed something closer to 0.75ml ed.

Awesome JR! I’ve been wondering when you were going to post up your results. I really look forward to following this, as I’m in the middle of week one of my own test/tren cycle and it looks very similar to yours.

Week 1,
I started out at 225-ish lbs. (at 6’2") and somewhere around 10-11% bodyfat. My 1RM, 285 bench press, 405 squat, 495 deadlift. Not sure of what my olympic lifts were at, as I’ve been focusing on working on my strength for the last several months instead of power.

I was really looking forward to this cycle, probably moreso than my first one, since I had a little experience and confidence now under my belt. I wasn’t sure how I’d be with injecting ED, but it wasn’t bad at all (I even started looking forward to my morning ritual injections). Because of all the shots initially, I knew I had to rotate between sites, despite my dislike for injecting into quads and shoulders, but this turned out to be a good thing because I got over the soreness in those areas and they don’t bother me anymore.

My first week of tren-ace wasn’t anything special. I had trouble sleeping, and I was sweating like crazy, but no big strength increases. I was pretty committed to making a go of it, so I stuck it out and after a week I think my body re-adjusted itself and I was sleeping ok again.

I also decided to try “kick-starting” the cycle with test-prop for the first 3 weeks since test-enanthate seems to take longer before it takes off. And the difference was noticeable, after 4-5 days I felt like I was on! I had more energy, and my libido and appetite were greatly increased.

After 7 days I weighed about 232 lbs.

[quote]chillain wrote:
Looks like a very nice run, though I suppose you would match your esters (for the sake of simplicity) in a perfect world.

I’d also recommend keeping a close eye on your aromasin dosage. That’s a nice, small dosage if you can get away with it but I found my sensitive nips needed something closer to 0.75ml ed.


I was recommended to try tren-acetate first, in case the side-effects weren’t tolerable for me, then I could discontinue using and the tren would clear my system faster. Next time I’ll definately use a longer ester.

The aromasin worked out ok for me. I can’t really say if it was any better or worse than the Arimidex I used on my last cycle. I never had any problems with gynecomastia on either of them.

Good to see ya’ back around. I know you’ve been busy. Check your email…

Love it. This is gonna be a good one… Hope everything goes great brother!

I’m not curious of your strength as well on the Tren. A lot depends on how you train of course. I find that by the end of week1 on Tren Ace the effects are already starting to show. And certainly by 2-3 weeks in its very apparent. I hope you experience the same.

Great to see you back with another log Jelly!

The first one was great and this one looks even more interesting. Maybe cause I’m on the double T bandwagon soon here shortly, ha, haa. Shit you got you, Cortes, and myself coming up down the stretch here all at the same time pretty much. Looks like some cool threads for comparison of effects on difft people if you ask me.

I’m going with the enan esters on both, though the acetate is obviously the better choice if ridding sides is an issue.

On the other hand I also heard the enan is smoother and has less sides to deal with, especially at a moderate dosage like I’m running, so we should have a nice three way comparison eh?

Anyway, glad to see you moving up the proverbial ladder, and wish you the best in your training and gains buddy.


Tone, where have you heard that Tren E causes less sides? Game Over said that in a thread a few weeks ago, I raised the question to him as well after he said it but never got a response.

I’ve never read anywhere else that Tren E has less sides.

[quote]sapasion wrote:
I’m not curious of your strength as well on the Tren. A lot depends on how you train of course. I find that by the end of week1 on Tren Ace the effects are already starting to show. And certainly by 2-3 weeks in its very apparent. I hope you experience the same.[/quote]

I think it was the lack of sleep my first week that prevented me from getting anything from the tren-ace initially. I literally did not sleep for 5 days at the start, I just layed there naked on top of the covers sweating like it was a hot summer night. And I was training 2-3 hours a day, so I think my body just needed rest. The next week was a different story though…

Week 2,
Once I started sleeping better, wow, what a difference. I felt like I was getting stronger by the hour. Every workout that week I was training harder than the previous one. The weights felt lighter and I was feeling like Superman again. No endurance problems yet.

There wasn’t any suppressed appetite this far in, but I started getting extremely thirsty. I was drinking almost 2 milk-jugs of water a day (7-8 litres) and getting enough sodium in my diet, and I was still feeling thirsty. Alternatively, I noticed I was getting leaner despite putting on weight. After 2 weeks I’d put on about 10 lbs. and people were starting to make comments.

My whole body also turned a little bit red-ish, like I’d been out on the water all day, but since I’m a brown guy it wasn’t that noticeable to anyone (except for myself).

[quote]Inner Hulk wrote:
Tone, where have you heard that Tren E causes less sides? Game Over said that in a thread a few weeks ago, I raised the question to him as well after he said it but never got a response.

I’ve never read anywhere else that Tren E has less sides.[/quote]

I’ve also heard the same and while I’m not aware of any research that compared the two, it is prob worth mentioning that pharm-grade tren only ever came with a longer ester.

[end of halfway hijack]

[quote]Jelly Roll wrote:
Week 2,
Once I started sleeping better, wow, what a difference. I felt like I was getting stronger by the hour. Every workout that week I was training harder than the previous one. The weights felt lighter and I was feeling like Superman again. No endurance problems yet.


I can remember my first time with tren. One day I was squatting and after unracking the weight I immediately put it back. I swore that I had forgotten to put the next plate on. I literally didn’t feel the difference from 225 to 315. Needless to say I was amazed, hopefully you will not have the same hunger issues I came across later into the cycle. Good luck.

Thanks for all the encouragement and kind words guys. I hope that this isn’t too weird, with me writing out everything after running the cycle already. I just wanted to share my test/tren story so that you might get something good out of it for your own cycles (especially Tone and Cortes).

Feel free to “hijack” all you want Chillain, it’s totally relevant to the thread, I’d like to know more about tren-enanthate as well.

This is all shaping up to be a mighty fine cycle for you Jelly.

Good call on ED injections for tren ace.

The strength gains will be incredible at that dose. Enjoy.


Week 3,
By the 3rd week, I felt like I was at top speed. The testosterone was in full-swing now and the tren was working it’s magic. I was training harder than I can ever remember. Every workout now was crazy intensity, minimal rest-times, lots of volume, and heavy weights. 2thepain, you weren’t kidding man. I was warming up with 225 for squats like it was an empty bar!

My training schedule looked like this,

Monday, 6-7AM-weightlifting (olympic lifts, lots squats, deadlifts, good mornings, chinups, and dips), 630-830PM-kickboxing and grappling.

Tuesday, 6-7AM-conditioning (strongman stuff, tire-flipping, sled-drags, sledgehammer, sandbag shouldering, keg tosses, sprints or longer runs, wrestling drills, that sort of thing, it changed every workout).

Wednesday, 6-7AM-conditioning, 630-830PM-kickboxing and grappling.

Thursday, 6-7AM-conditioning.

Friday, 6-7AM-weightlifting, 7-9PM-judo.

Saturday, 1-3PM-MMA (mostly sparring).

I started out with good intentions of following a westside/conjugate-type of program with my weightlifting (ME/DE/RE, that stuff), but I ended up going for ME every time I was in the gym, lol…

Looking back, next time I think I would start the tren-ace in the 3rd week when the test is all topped up. Or, I’ll run tren-enanthate with the test-enanthate so they’re more in sync, maybe?

Notice any tendon problems crop up as a result of all the heavy strength increases?

Nice jelly nice. That second and third week really looks good. Test and Tren Enanthates obviously pair very nicely, assuming of course you intend to run Tren for a reasonable duration like 8 weeks and extend the Test beyond the Tren’s last shot.

[quote]Aragorn wrote:
Notice any tendon problems crop up as a result of all the heavy strength increases?

I’m not jelly but I’d like a crack at this one myself. I think the reason bodybuilder types get into problems [i.e. muscle and tendon tears, esp. on Tren et al] is that their bodies are not used to maximal stress. They spend so much time doing whatever you wanna call it 6-15 reps lets say. For me as a powerlifter, the fact I’m doing not only max effort work weekly but also work for a limited range with supra maximal weights prepares me much better for when I start Tren and within 3 weeks I’m handling 50lbs more in certain lifts. Despite the massive Tren usage and the massive weights powerlifters use compared to bodybuilders look at how proportionally fewer tendon injuries powerlifters have.

In lay man’s terms if bodybuilder Joe benches with say 275 for 5 sets of 8-10 and I bench on max effort day 350, we are probably about the same strength from a certain point of view. However, I also do 2 board work with 400 and 4 board work with 450. So when Joe starts Tren a month later his muscles are capable of benching 315 for the same 8-10 reps that is a weight he is not used to. Whereas a month later when I can do 400 and 450 of a 2 board these are weights I’ve already had experience with. Not to mention the strengthening and conditioning to the tendons specifically which occurs from doing weekly max effort training.

Sorry if that seemed like a rant