I was asked by several people to keep a log of my second cycle, however because of the added burden of currently building a home for my growing family, I wasn’t able to commit myself to posting regularly. So, instead I thought that an overview of my recent experience might be helpful for those considering running a test/tren cycle.
I’ll try to break down each week per post, so I can get all the information and details in without writing out one huge, long essay. And, I may have forgotten a few things along the way, so any questions/comments are welcome to jog my memory.
For those of you who don’t know me, my background is in competitive judo and no-gi grappling, and I dabble with some kickboxing (due to my sparring/coaching some local MMA fighters who wanted to cross-train with a “judo-guy”), so my physical goals have been mostly sportfight-based. More strength and power, better recovery from training and injuries, and consequently a better quality of life outside of the gym.
The cycle,
weeks 1-12: 250mg testosterone enanthate E3D
week 1: 150mg testosterone propionate EOD
week 2: 100mg testosterone propionate EOD
week 3: 50mg testosterone propionate EOD
weeks 1-8: 50mg trenbolone acetate ED
6.25mg exemestane (Aromasin) ED
PCT: test-taper