Jboy99's T-Ransformation Log

5/3/1 5’s
5 x 97.5
5 x 112.5
14 x 127.5
OHP - 60%
5 x 10 @ 57.5
3 sets kroc rows @ 70 lb: 15,12,10
3 x 10 facepull @ 11 - focused on slow eccentric and got a good trap pump
3 x 10 Kirk Karawoski? rows @ 85lb - first time doing them, will DEFINITELY be including them from now on.
supersetted with
3 x 10 db shrug @ 70 lb

5/3/1 5’s
5 x 100
5 x 117.5
10 x 130
Deadlift - 60%
5 x 10 @ 177.5
3 x 10 ab thingies
5 x 10 different ab thingies

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5/3/1 3’s
3 x 65
3 x 75
10 x 85
Bench - 70%
5 x 10 @ 105
supersetted with
5 sets AMRAP pullups w/purple band: 10,9,7,8,6
3 x 10 Dumbell lateral raise @ 25lb
3 x 10 Seated front plate raise @ 25lb
3 x 8 supinated lat pull down @ 12
3 x 10 facepull @ 12
supersetted with
3 x 20 shrug variation @ 35lb

10 mins boxing bag

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3 mins jump rope

5/3/1 3’s
3 x 205
3 x 235
11 x 265
Squat - 60%
5 x 10 @ 95
3 x 10 ab stuff
5 x 10 other ab stuff

3 mins jump rope
I need to work on my conditioning on Tuesdays, and just finishing the workout. I always seem too burned out after the squats, and end quickly. Might try a double scoop of surge on Tuesdays.

5/3/1 3’s
3 x 105
3 x 120
14 x 135
Pushups between sets - 50 total
OHP - 60%
5 x 10 @ 57.5
3 sets Kroc Row @ 65lb - 20,15,10
3 x 10 Dumbell Flat Bench @ 45
Incline Dumbell Bench - 12 @ 25, 8 @ 35, 5 @ 45, 8 @ 35, 12 @ 25
3 x 10 tricep pushdown @ 5
3 x 8 dumbell skullcrusher @ 15

3 hill sprints - pretty sure if I was outside any longer I woulda got frostbite lol

I finally got me some Chucks to squat in and damn they make a difference. Waaaay better than barefoot…
5/3/1 3’s
3 x 108.5
3 x 125
12 x 140
Deads - 60%
5 x 10 @ 177.5
Superset for time:
3 x10 facepull @ 12
3 x10 Kirk Karawoski Row @ 100
3 x 10 DB shrug @ 70
Time: 5:42
5 x 10 abz
3 x 10 Abzz

4 x 40 yd farmers walks @ 120

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5/3/1 1’s
5 x 70
3 x 80
10 x 90
Bench - 70%
5 x 10 @ 105
3 x 10 negative only pullups
3 x 8 DB lateral raise @ 30
3 x 8 DB lateral raise @ 20
3 x 10 DB front raise thingy @ 20
3 x 10 Facepull @ 13
supersetted with
3 x 20 DB Shrug Variation @ 40lb

1 round bike tabata

Low energy, so did more assistance with lighter weights. Not really a good idea, I found myself not really concentrating on my main lifts because i wanted to have enough energy for the unimportant stuff. From now on, if i have an average day I’m just gonna focus on my main sets and BBB sets and leave it at that.

AM: 20 mins fasted cardio - treadmill, 4 incline, 4 speed
5/3/1 1’s
5 x 220
3 x 250
10 x 280
Squats - 60%
5 x 10 @ 95
Superset:3 rounds
30 sec plank
30 sec russian twist
30 sec situps

5 Hill Sprints abt 65 yards-ish each

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Wednesday: rest day but did some biceps stuff
AM: 20 mins walking
5/3/1 1’s
Pushups between warmup sets - 40 total
5 x 112.5
3 x 127.5
12 x 142.5
OHP - 60%
5 x 10 @ 57.5
3 x 8 DB Flat Bench @ 50lb
1 x 8 DB Incline @ 40lb, 1 x 8 @ 30lb, 1 x 15 @ 20lb
3 x 10 DB Decline @ 30lb
3 x 10 Facepull @ 13

Had no energy or motivation today, so just kinda did what I felt like doing.

5/3/1 1’s
5 x 112.5
3 x 130
12 x 147.5
Deads - 60%
5 x 10 @ 177.5
3 x 15 DB Shrugs @ 70lb
supersetted with
3 x 10 Kirk Karawoski Row @ 105
3 x 10 Facepull @ 12,13,14
3 x 15 DB Shrug Variation @ 45

7 x 40 yd Farmers Walks @ 120

5/3/1 Deload
OHP 5’s
Bench 60% 3x10
EZ Bar curl pyramid set
DB lateral raise
Incline Bench hammer curls
Cable curls

2 miles walk/run

Thought i would give a bit of an update. I have been doing fairly well on my diet, hitting abt 210p, 70c, 130f on average. Carbs have crept up though so this week I’m going to keep below 50g for the remainder of the week. I hope to get into the 190’s this week, sitting at about 201.4 now. My fat loss has stalled, but Im doing fasted cardio and adding in HIIT as well so it should speed up again.

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Have been sick the last couple days. Diet wasn’t too good so probably wont get into the 190’s this week, but def getting there next week!

Training: Low energy - trying to get over this damn cold!
Deload bench sets n reps
3 x 10 OHP
Pushups - 1,2,3,4,5,5,4,3,2,1

5/3/1 deload
Squat sets n reps
3 x 10 Deads
Skull crushers
tricep rope

Last day of deload. Definitely not my best deload week as far as training goes, but DAMN I’m looking forward to next week!!!

5/3/1 5’s
5 x 65
5 x 75
13 x 85
Bench - 60%
5 x 10 @ 95
supersetted with
5 sets negative only pullups: 10,10,10,5,5
4 sets Seated DB OHP: 10 @ 25, 8 @ 35, 8, 10
3 x 8 Standing DB lateral raise @ 25
supersetted with
3 x 8 Lying DB rear delt raise @ 15
3 x 10 EZ bar curls @ 60
supersetted with
3 x 10 cable curl focusing on the negative @ 6
EPIC pump!!!

5/3/1 5’s
5 x 200
5 x 230
10 x 260??? Not sure what happened here, was going for at least 12…
Squats - 60%
5 x 10 @ 100
3 x 10 Kirk Rows @ 100
3 x 10 Facepull @ 12
supersetted with
3 x 12 DB shrug @ 70
3 x 10 abz thingies
5 x 10 other abzz stuff

5/3/1 5’s
5 x 100
5 x 115
15 x 130
OHP - 50%
5 x 10 @ 50 - I need to find a way to get stronger at this…
3 x 8 DB Flat bench @ 50
5 x 6 DB Incline @ 40
3 x 10 DB flyes @ 25
3 x 10 EZ Skullcrushers @ 50
supersetted with
3 x 10 Tricep pusdown @ 4

Mondays Training:
5/3/1 3’s
5 x 10 Bench - 60%
5 x 10 Negative only pullups

5/3/1 3’s
3 x 215
3 x 245
10 x 275
Squats - 50%
5 x 10 @ 85
3 x 10 Facepull @ 13
supersetted with
3 x 15 DB shrug @ 70
3 x 10 Abz things

5/3/1 3’s
3 x 108.5
3 x 125
12 x 140
OHP - 50%
5 x 10 @ 50
3 sets Kroc Rows @ 65 - 23,15,15
3 x 10 DB bench @ 45
3 sets Incline DB bench @ 40 - 10,8,8
3 x 8 Incline DB Fly @ 20
3 x 10 Skullcrushers @ 50
supersetted with
3 x 8 Tricep Rope @ 5

5/3/1 3’s
3 x 115
3 x 130
3 x 148.5
Deads - 60%
5 x 10 @ 185
3 x 10 Kroc Rows @ 110
3 x 10 Facepulls @ 12
supersetted with
3 x 12 DB Shrugs @ 70
3 x 15 Rear DB Shrugs @ 50
Some hanging leg raises

My cardio and ab work has slacked off. Going to start focusing more on abz stuff, and get back into LISS.