After 6 months of sub-par training, and a 3 week layoff, I am now back on Wendlers 5/3/1 and sticking to it this time. I’ve tried just about everything (5x5, SS, 5/3/1, Sheiko, Juggernaut method, splits, ect.) but now I have a focus.
Weight 185-190
Height 6’1’’
Current training maxes
Bench- 175
Deadlift 305
OHP- 120
These aren’t my best,but due to the past 6-8 months of training, this is what I’m using.
Layout will change as each month goes by, basics will stay the same, just working towards a goal. Just finishing cycle 1, using a 3/5/1 layout. Bench day got 165 for 7, Squat 230 for 3 (bad day), today was OHP, went as follows.
2 Dec 11-
OHP- Warmups (50x5, 60x5, 70x3), 90x5, 100x3, 115x6 (+5) all SSW/ Pullups- BWx8
OHP- 60x10x3 SSW/ Lateral raises- 10x10x3 SSW/ Rear delt raises- 10x10x3
BB Shrugs- 200x10x4 SSW/ Band Pullaparts (Bungee cords actually)- 2x12x5
Tri. Ext.- 45x10x3
Neck (front)- 20x12x5
Conditioning- None, my feet are messed up (Not blisters) from a 15km ruckmarch/run last weekend
Tomorrow is deadlift day.