I've been a gym rat/muscle head most of my life but I've never competed. For the past four weeks I've been training with a powerlifter in his garage/gym. For the past year up until 4 weeks ago I had been lifting in my basement with one of those cheap weight sets that have the 1" I.D. holes and 190 lbs in weights, plus doing lots of chins and push ups. My lower body needs tons of work as far as strength goes.
It’s actually pretty funny since my training partner’s lower body far out performs his upper body and I’m the exact opposite. In a squat suit and with knee wraps he has deep squatted 600 and he’s pulled 610 but his bench varies a great deal, it usually sits around 300. I work out with him on Saturday and Sunday then lift at home on Monday and Wednesday.
My squat and deadlift are downright embarrassing compared to my bench.
Squat 1rm = ? (185lbs 10rm)
Deadlift 1rm = 330 lbs
Bench 1rm = ? (265 lbs 9rm)
This weekend I’ll check my 1rm in the bench but the squat, due to injuries, will remain an ancillary exercise for the deadlift. My goal for now is to hit 850 in a push/pull at a bodyweight of 165 lbs.
My routine as of now:
Flat bench- 4 sets of 10 (progress to sets of 5 then 1rm)
Rack press- 5 sets of 5 (superset with bent laterals)
Pull ups- 4 sets failure at bodyweight
Squats- 3 sets of 10 (basically just to prepare for deads)
Deadlift- 4 sets of 5 (progress to sets of 3 then 1rm)
Deadlift on blocks- 3 sets of 3
Dumbell rows- 3 sets to failure @ 70 lbs
Dumbell pullovers- 4 sets of 10 (40 lbs.)
Bar rows- 3 sets of 10 (190 lbs) (superset with pushups)
cardio- usually bike
Standing Dumbell press- 3 sets of 10 (70 lbs heaviest bell I can assemble at home)
Shrugs- 3 sets of 10 (190 lbs)
Overhead squat- 4 sets of 20 (embarrassingly light weight)
Thursday and Friday: