Hey T-folks,
I was impressed with Jack Lalanne’s piece on dateline last night. Has anybody followed any of his workouts or diets? I went to his website and his programs looked bizarre… but he looks great and must be doing something right!
Caught that piece last night – good stuff. Especially the old pix of his heydays at muscle beach. He’s pretty extreme on the diet, by most standards (if he’s telling the truth). But the guy’s got attitude. I loved it when that limp-wristed interviewer (whatever his name is) asked him if he could interview him on his 100th birthday. Jack’a answer – “I hope you’re still around.”
I am alway leary of anyone wearing a 1 piece polyester jump suit, but he did look great for 88. I liked his comment on food “if man makes it don’t eat it” I try to tell my wife if it comes in carboard and crunches when you eat it, get rid of it.
For any youngsters out there who don’t know who Jack Lalanne is, it would be well worth a little research. The guy’s simply amazing. And he’s had that attitude since forever.