What’s up everybody! Damn it feels good to be back. Just got home from basic combat training. Needless to say, I’m in some pretty good shape only problem is I shrunk. Looking to hit the weigths hard and use the Mag-10 plan for success to gain some of my old muscle back. I have 3 bottles that I bought about 3 months ago (a few weeks beofre I left for basic). Is the stuff still good? My house isn’t air conditioned and I’m afraid that the heat might have gotten to it. Two of the bottles are unopened and one I opened just to see what the stuff tasted like. Any help wouls be greatly appreciated. ~Watts~
Just want to keep this post alive so i can get an answer.
me too
I would think this would be a question for Biotest customer service.
Let me be the first to say welcome back and congratulations. Are you scheduled for Airborne, Air Assualt or Ranger?
Best of Luck.
It’s fine. If it were a question of three months in the trunk of a car in the summer in the South that might be excessive (temperatures could easily be 140 F or more in that circumstance) but an un-airconditioned house, no problem for three months.
Unfortunatley, due to my color blindness, the army wont allow me attend any of those schools. It sucks. It’s all good though.~Watts~