A few questions with regards to ISSA certification; has anyone on the forum completed this qualification, and was it, in their opinion, any good? Specifically: information and course notes provided, depth, relevance and "up-to-dateness ugh of information etc.
Also, in the USA [as opposed to Australia which is my nearest outlet], how much does the Certified Fitness Trainer Course cost??
Basically, is it worth doing or is it better to keep teaching myself??
Some of the material was out of date - especially when you compare it to T-mag. However, it gave me lots of basic science and theory and helped me understand this bodybuilding thing in a more “rounded” way. It pretty much gave me a framework, now I can add new things to it as I learn every day. I think I paid about $500 US for it. Should you do it if you don’t want to be a trainer? I have no regrets - I was benefited by it, but the program in it’s self will not teach you everything you need to know. You will have to always keep learning.
3 of my friends(co-workers at my gym) are getting certified my ISSA. i think it costs a couple hundred for everything. you take the test at home.
i’ve seen the book. very impressive.
I think ISSA is the best certification you can get if you’re going to be a trainer. Fred Hatfield (who wrote the book)has a lot of credibility in my mind. I have also heard that the seminars are excellent.
I just got back from a seminar today. In Boston, it is a good program. I think that it is now 550. I would not get it if you are just looking for your own personal knowlege. if that is the case I would buy Ian kings get buffed and Super Training but it is a well respected program.