Is This the Norm for HRT?

after a blood test confirmed my low testosterone (184 at 33 years old)…i was put on hrt…the dr prescribed me 1 shot 250 sustenon/week and armidex 1 mg 3 times per week…i was just wondering if this was the norm for hrt therapy…from what i have read the armidex dose seems to be a little high…any help is appreciated

Your doctor has decided to take an aggressive approach to AI and that is a good thing, especially at first. It’s also pretty rare, so count yourself lucky. Arimidex tends to be self-limiting in most individuals and I know of at least one study at PubMed where 1mg a day did not drive estradiol below range. See how it goes.

[quote]g868 wrote:
after a blood test confirmed my low testosterone (184 at 33 years old)…i was put on hrt…the dr prescribed me 1 shot 250 sustenon/week and armidex 1 mg 3 times per week…i was just wondering if this was the norm for hrt therapy…from what i have read the armidex dose seems to be a little high…any help is appreciated[/quote]

I don’t know anything about sustenon, but the fact that this guy even gave you adex is a plus. I would pm KSman and ask his advice about the adex 3 mg 3x wk. That seems like it could be a bit much. And I don’t know why he just didn’t give you test cypionate.

At least you seem to have a guy that you aren’t going to have to fight with to get him to work with you. I would read as much about this as you can so you know what you are talking about. And trust me, you can’t read enough. The guys on this brd are great and are very willing to help.

Here is a link from a guy on this site. That will get you started and I’m sure he would help as well.

Good luck

normal test for hrt in the us seems to be test cyp that is what I am on it is a long acting ester, the arimidex is high I would cut it in half, most doctors dont even put you on an ai. everybody reponds differently
what are yor test levels at now?

thanks for the replys…i asked him why sus instead of cyp…he said with weekly sust inj blood levels would be more stable…also i havent had a follow-up test yet…its only been 2 weeks but i feel much better in every department(energy,libido,ect)…

This doctor sounds TOP NOTCH – I would KEEP HIM!

Next blood work should show where you are with the Arimidex and E2. Did your initial labs show your E2 being high?

thats what I was thinking on why the sust. good doc definantly on top of things
congrats does the lady in your life run and hide now

Congratulations on finding a great doctor. If you can convince your doc to give you cypionate or enthanate, you may avoid the following roller coaster…
With Sustanon 250 1 shot a week here are your blood levels (approx)
Day 2-950 ng/dl
Day 7-450 "
Day 8-1525 "
Day 14-600 "
Day 15-1700 "
Day 21-660 "
Day 22-1750 "
My point? Be prepared to one day feel like Superman, and four days later feel like crap.
I hope I am wrong, and hope you are not affected this way, but it’s possible unless you get your doc to give you your Sustanon dosage in two shots a week.
Info from:

Good luck.

[quote]g868 wrote:
after a blood test confirmed my low testosterone (184 at 33 years old)…i was put on hrt…the dr prescribed me 1 shot 250 sustenon/week and armidex 1 mg 3 times per week…i was just wondering if this was the norm for hrt therapy…from what i have read the armidex dose seems to be a little high…any help is appreciated[/quote]

I am in a similiar situation. I have recently bought some sus250 . I can not get hold of armidex at the moment so just got some nolvadex.My wife and I are trying to have a baby at moment so I hope the sus250 does not affect my sperm count to much.

I am living overseas and the doctors here are oblivious to HRT. So I took it into my own hands. I am on the search for a doc that can help me out or at least take blood tests.

Any advice for me would be appreciated. Dont want to hijack the thread though.

In my experience, there is no norm.

I’ve done Androgel. Testim. hcg+arimidex. Shots alone, shots+hcg+pregnenolone+dhea, and now shots+hcg+preg+dhea+arimidex. For me that last mix has been the best though I’m still fine-tuning the arimidex dose and frequency.

When my wife and I were still wanting to have kids, my TRT was hcg+arimidex. It was decent. After she got pregnant with our second child, I switched to shots. I had had low sperm count to begin with, so my doctor and I felt hcg+arimidex was best to support fertility.

hcg?human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG)

I really dont know much about this.

Will nolvadex suffice if I can not get arimedex

hCG is human chorionic gonadotropin. It acts like luteinizing hormone (LH, tells the testes to make T).

Search on it here, you’ll find quite a bit of mention of it as part of TRT regimens.

Well hcg looks perfect for what I need definitely. I will see if I can find a doctor to get me on a course of this. I read that it is often used for weight loss. That is something that I wouldn’t want. Is it normal to lose weight on it?

Will nolvadex suffice if I can not get arimidex

I just found some good information about it so my questions have been answered. Thank you for all your help.

No, insist in arimidex. You may have to explain to the doctor.

HCG is going to cause your testes to make T and some T. The aromatase enzyme in other parts of your body will convert some of that T to E as well. You need to block that conversion with an aromatase inhibitor.

Nolvadex blocks estrogen recepters, but can also screw up your libido and mental state. If you want kids, I would suggest you stay away from the nolvadex unless you start growing boobs.