Just trying to have someone look at my labs and tell me what they think.
There is the 2012 which is why I got on TRT and they 2013 is after being on TRT for almost a year.
I take 1cc of Test Cyp every 2 weeks 200ml.
Just trying to have someone look at my labs and tell me what they think.
There is the 2012 which is why I got on TRT and they 2013 is after being on TRT for almost a year.
I take 1cc of Test Cyp every 2 weeks 200ml.
Some men on TRT donate blood to reduce red blood cell count and hematocrit, which can become elevated with TRT. You might also consider injecting more often, e.g. 100 mg once a week instead of 200 every two weeks, which will reduce your peak T levels and may conceivably cause a reduction in these blood values.
HL, please read the stickies, start with advice for new guys
Ditto: You are not injecting often enough. Your levels will be all over the map. That makes your labs sort of useless as the results are more a function of lab timing than anything else.
Cholesterol is fine.
Albumin is abnormally high, from a statistical point of view and some males will have higher values. Albumin is good at it transports T and contributes to bio-available T [bio-T].
TRT can increase hematocrit and its components. This effect might be less with smoother levels from more frequent injections. Test serum iron and ferritin to see if there are signs of high iron. Avoid iron fortified foods.
Need more data about you as per advice for new guys.
If taking vitamins, find one with iodine if not already.
Thanks guys for the advice I am going to switch to 100ml per week injections.
It has been awhile… Things have changed a little. My wife wants another child. I had a sperm analysis done and I got a big 0. The fertility doc prescribed HCG 2000iu 3x week for 3 months. I would like to try and get of trt as well to see what I can get my normal to.
It seems like I should take clomid as well. What do guys think thanks.
I have been on trt for 2.5 years.
I would not take that much hCG, the LH receptors can be desensitized. Too bad your doc would not get you on 250iu hCG EOD from the get-go to avoid this issue.
Clomid can have nasty estrogenic sides for some guys. Nolvadex works just as well but you may need to argue with doc to get that as old habits die hard. Too much of either can create too much LH with same effect as too much hCG.
(3) And too much LH and/or hCG can create high T–>E2 inside the testes and anastrozole cannot control that.
You can see why hCG+SERM can be an overload. Never a good idea.
SERM alone can produce enough LH unless the top end of the HPTA is not working right. Do a LH/FSH test while on SERM to see. Don’t both checking TT, FT, E2 at first as it will take time for the testes to recover form and function.
For sperm production you need two things:
So it makes more sense for you to be using a SERM, not hCG and the SERM should be nolvadex, not clomid. Do LH/FSH labs to see what the SERM is doing. You should be seeing changes to the size of your testes and your scrotum should be looser allowing your testes to hang.
If this works, your T levels should increase. You may feel that and also feel improved mood the same way that guys feel hCG [for a while].
At some point, check TT, FT and E2. What for increase E2 and effects of that. If E2 is too high, see sentence #3.
E2=36 was too high. Did you do anything to fix that and get near E2=22pg/ml?
Please check your waking and mid-afternoon body temperature to eval your thyroid function. See the thyroid basics sticky. Don’t get fooled by the thyroid lab ranges or your doctor, the ranges are very misleading. Make sure that you are getting some iodine from iodized salt or vitamins that list iodine, and selenium in your multi-vits.
Ksman thanks again for your response. I am currently in chihuahua mexico for the night. I plan on going to the pharmacy here to get what ever I need.
My trt prescribing doctor did put me on 1mg Anastrozole a week.
A friend told me to take 1000iu hcg 3 times a week and 25mg of clomid ED for 8 weeks.
Should I try and buy nolvadex? What dosage would you recommend?
My main goal right now is to get my sperm count up. I would like to see what my normal T lvl are off trt as well.
I just wonder why a so called fertility specialist would prescribe hcg if it doesn’t work…
Too much hCG. 250iu SC EOD is adequate.
You can’t take hCG and a SERM at the same time [your friend is ignorant] and 25mg may be too much,
Try 10-12mg nolvadex per day.
You do not need to stop TRT adding hCG or SERM! Keep
How are you feeling?
Please check your waking and mid-afternoon body temperature to eval your thyroid function. See the thyroid basics sticky. Don’t get fooled by the thyroid lab ranges or your doctor, the ranges are very misleading. Make sure that you are getting some iodine from iodized salt or vitamins that list iodine, and selenium in your multi-vits.
This is my most recent labs… It had been almost 2 weeks since I had an injection.(so yes pretty much useless but here it is anyway) Lab done 2014 04 14
KSman I am guessing you have read this :
Almost all the protocols I have found in in peer reviewed journal articles and by medical professionals use HCG as prescribed by my fertility specialist for low sperm count.
Are there any good reads for using Nolvadex? I do appreciate your help I am just trying to make the best decision I can.