Is There a Limit on Insulin Sensitivity?

This is always bothered, is there a limit on how good you can get your insulin? So say you take ala, pulse fast/if eat right , carb cycle ect is there a limit on how efficient it become depending on the individual? If anyone could expand it would be interesting to hear.

Insulin sensitivity isn’t so much a function of the insulin itself, as it is your cell’s ability to be “sensitive” to insulin. Meaning it binds on to the receptor site more easily.

Not sure about your specific question though. I’d say it’s more of continuum than a fininte point to shoot for.

Well I suppose technically there could be a limit. What you actually want to happen is improvement in your muscle tissue’s insulin sensitivity. You can have increases of insulin sensitivity in fat tissue (which you obviously want to avoid) and that is an “increase in insulin sensitivity”.

As JF said it is the muscle receptor’s sensitivity to insulin that you want to improve. Now to actually answer your question I suppose there could be a limit where all your muscle insulin receptor’s are able to become saturated with insulin molecules before any insulin molecules attach to fat cell insulin receptors. Which would result in nutrients being primarily driven into muscle cells.

Now how likely this is to happen I am not too sure, and frankly it is what I would consider majoring in the minor. Just work on improving insulin sensitivity in your muscle tissue.

Of course there is. You are striving to optimize YOUR physiology, and receptor affinity is going to look different for everyone, including optimal receptor affinity.


[quote]wannabebig250 wrote:
^ HES BACK!![/quote]

you got your monitor facing a mirror or something lol

Yes, there is a limit. But it makes a bit more sense to look at it from an insulin resistance point of view.
Insulin resistance is an inability for an activated insulin receptor to complete it’s downstream signals. Because we are talking about billions of insulin receptors and billions of cells (you get the point), this becomes a continuum. The more insulin resistant you are, the less of the signal is being passed. Conversely, if you are perfectly insulin sensitive (not resistant) all activated receptors will pass along a signal. You couldn’t get any more sensitive than that.

Thanks for the reply s and clearing it up for me. Just another quick question on the same subject, if you combine supplements with other that are supposed to help insulin will one cancel the other out? Would it be best to separated the different supplements out over different time intervals or just take them all in one go?