What exactly is it and how does it affect me as a bodybuilder? I tried wikipediing it but it was too sciency.
How well your body reacts/handles insulin.
Most americans have poor sensitivity due to lack of exercise and way too many refined carbs. This leads to the body’s inability to utilize insulin efficiently. Thus, the job still needs to be done so more has to be secreted than what was once needed.
This can lead to numerous problems.
The reverse is usually true for people that exercise, are lean and watch their diet closely. They don’t need as much insulin secretion as the above person.
sometimes in Type 2 diabetes people have horrible insulin sensitivity and thus need to closely watch what they eat.
Hypothetical question, if one consumed a large meal of over processed food or a couple bars of chocolate, would running or exercising keep your insulin/bloodsugar from rising?
[quote]xXSeraphimXx wrote:
Hypothetical question, if one consumed a large meal of over processed food or a couple bars of chocolate, would running or exercising keep your insulin/bloodsugar from rising?[/quote]
No, it might help keep it lower than if you didn’t (I assume), but that sugar will be entering your bloodstream regardless.
OP look for Joel Marion’s article: Men With Sensivity
I like to think of it like this:
Sensing higher levels of blood sugar, when we eat our pancreas secretes insulin. Once insulin is released, various cells absorb the sugar and nutrients present in the blood stream (from the food ingested). So the more more sugar present in the blood stream, the more insulin is produced to shuttle the nutrients into the target tissues (muscles, fat etc).
If an individual is insulin resistant, the various tissues are not particularly responsive to the hormone, meaning that more insulin is secreted so that nutrient storage occurs. High levels of insulin sensitivity basically means that less insulin is needed to ensure that more of the nutrients are stored effectively. High levels of circulating insulin, or blood glucose is not good for long term health or bodycomposition.
I don’t have time to summarize it at all, but here’s what Lyle McDonald has to say about insulin sensitivity and fat loss: http://www.bodyrecomposition.com/Fat%20loss/lylemcdonald-ins.html