I met with a clinic two weeks ago and they said that they would try holistic methods to raise T before using testosterone injections. Is this possible or are they taking me for a ride?
The problem is your age, to justify shutting down the HPTA of someone so young is frowned upon in the medical community. If you were 50 no one would care because by then your HPTA is fully mature, TRT can ruin young men’s HPTA more so than an older guy.
It’s why you see men so young with low testosterone after a steroid cycle versus an older guy with a more mature HPTA. No one yet knows the consequence for shutting down an immature HPTA will have later in life.
Well I met with another clinic and they’re willing to start with injections right away. Just wanted to make sure im educated on all of my options. If there is no real “holistic” method, then Im going to go straight into injections(which is what im probably going to do regardless).
There are several things that can affect testosterone, sleep\diet\weight are 3 I am aware of. I have seen posts from a few people that were able to increase their Testosterone, in some cases significantly by fixing these things.
Medications and Illnesses can also affect your testosterone.
unless you have a specific issue\deficiency I haven’t seen much evidence on natural supplements that were able to boost test.
This clinic is more likely not concerned with your health, you said it, willing to start with injections right away.
A lot of these clinics have no clue how to manage men on TRT, do they force weekly office visits for injections?
Spend enough time on this forum and you’ll learn real quick some men don’t do well on weekly dosing, so if they refuse to allow self injection at home and you sign a contract…
I have never seen a young man raise his testosterone out of the 200’s to the optimal ranges naturally, reality is somewhere in the suboptimal range if you even do manage to get the needle to move.
Im aware that those things can increase test when there’s not a deficiency. My levels are extremely low. Im now in the low 200 range and im only 23. I’ve just never seen a holistic approach to trt and just wanted to confirm if it’d be a waste of time to try the holistic thing.
Hows your diet? Are you over weight? Do you work out?
Any know medical issues? Are you on any medications? What are your symptoms?
Well this clinic is willing to start because my levels have actually dropped since my last post and im currently in the low 200 range. The Dr. sat down and explained in detail my levels and how she would keep close watch of everything. They dont force anything. The thing they try to sell is pellets, but she specifically told me I have other options and I have the ability to choose what’s best for me including injections. She did say I can do self injections
Run from this clinic!
My diet could be cleaner, but yes I am overweight. I’ve been working out for 6 months and managed to lose 60 lbs, but if you read my previous thread, I’ve been dealing with low T symptoms since high school. I was extremely active and played sports, but still had trouble putting on muscle and at my lowest of 160 lbs 6’0 I still had significant lower belly fat and gyno. So the symptoms of low T isn’t new and I’ve already been diagnosed with it by 3 different people.
Systemlord can be a little dramatic, having a doc willing to treat you is great.
My doc tried to star me on Pellets too but when I said I’d rather do injections they were fine with that. Overall the seem open to different options and were fine with me making changes to my protocol\choosing Sub Q twice a week.
So I should try the holistic route with the other clinc? I know to not do pellets. I honestly just need the prescription for Test and can handle everything on my own. This fourm has educated me significantly and I can also keep checking in with you guys if I have any questions or problems
can you expand on holistic?
Yeah Im leaning more towards this clinic. If im spending money, I dont want to try something that we pretty much know isn’t going to work. Why waste time and money when I can get treated right away?
He didn’t really say. He just said he would give me things that are “natural” that should be able to raise my levels naturally and I wouldn’t need test since im young. I’ve never heard of this personally. He said if it didn’t work then he would give me test.
I’ll leave it for others to comment. I am new to this so don’t want to lead you down the wrong path here.
Im still interested in hearing your perspective. The more opinions the better.
Would also like your opinion @systemlord
My Perspective is that it looks like you need testosterone and TRT will solve that. If you have tried other avenues to fix your overall health, then a holistic approach is unlikely to fix that but you can only know for sure if you try.
Ask the doc how long this takes, if it’s a couple month, why not give it a try. TRT can cause as many issues as it fixes and you are better off avoiding it if you can.
But remember I am just a guy on the internet.