T-Maggers…here is one for all the vixen t-maggers…I have been a dedicated bb’er for about three years…currently 190 at around 8%bf…Now, I work out at a college gym (I am 24) becuase I work at the college. Since september this one chick seems like she is always looking at me/gawking at me…she asked me to adjust the ab machine foot pedal for her once and we had a social convo, but nothing more…didn’t even exchange names…another funny thing she does is always stand directly in front of me (when we are both in the gym) when i am doing squats on the smith machine so that she blocks my view of the mirror…now this girl is very fit and a gym regular so you would think she know i am using the mirror…well the final piece of info is that she told her x-boyfried that I asked her out for coffee when I in fact never did…apparently they had just broken up (he broke up with her) and I am sure she was using me to make him jealous (which probably worked becuase he confronted me at a party)…
Now my question is this…You would think the girl is attracted to me becuase she said that wouldn’t you?..she seems like a decent girl, studious, smart, into her fitness, and I am sure she was emotionally wracked when her x broke it off…they had been dating some time, but apparently he is an asshole…now should i really ask her out for coffee?..vixen t-maggers what are your thoughts?