As I sit here downing a pot of coffee pre-squat workout, I got to thinking about the future of bodybuilding while looking at the Ironman contest thread.
Now the physiques are never going to go back to the days of Arnold and such, its just been too long, too much has changed, but I do believe that with a charismatic ambassador we could at least get our foot in the pop culture mainstream door again
Phillip Heath…
He’s young, much like Arnold who took control of the Mr. Olympia Title at a young age, Heath could rule over the bodybuilding scene for over a solid decade easily.
He’s intelligent. He was smart enough to accept advice from Jay when coming into the ranks. He conducts himself very well in interviews, and I know Ronnie was by no means stupid, but he sounded a little weird when he spoke, no fault of his own, just the card he was dealt. I feel like he’s smart enough that we won’t ever see an article about him nearly killing himself via too much water loss at a show.
He’s built for show. The body parts that even the non traing crowd like, well he’s got them. Freaky arms, chest, and abs. I love Tom Platz, but his legs(and jaw) scared us, let alone the regular viewer. You could put him on the tonight show couch, not just in jay walking skits where he was dressed in a thong and superman cape like Ronnie did. And compared to a Markus Ruhl or Paul Dillett that guy is just flat out pretty.
He was a collegiate athlete. This helps the argument that bodybuilders are not athletes. The guy was a point guard in college, a skill set very different then what we see in professional bodybuilding.
No shady past. I hate to say it, but he hasn’t screwed a grapefruit on film, been arrested at the Olympia, had any big falling outs with the powers that be at that one supplement company or that one publisher, thereby banishing him from the face of bodybuilding for years.
Do we have any better bet as of right now ?