Hey all,
Just an intro background and question
IM 41 and have been back lifting for general health/strength/size for about a year after, uh yeah, 15yrs off.
Results have been good so far even with time off for a shoulder injury, but I want GREAT results.
My goals are not competition but to feel a lot better, good sex, and be noticeably ābuiltā
I am more concerned with arms, chest, shoulders being big and tight than being chisled with a six pack
(iim not good at abs excercises, need to work on that, but its am admitted weak spot)
I got here after seeing a doc and being put on test and HCG, been on that for about 6weeks and plan to cycle loong on that.
Have read about cruising and blasting and that seems like it would fit my plan
I recently added dbol to the stack and LOVE it, so I added Deca and it seems to be crashing me bad
Im only on my first week after one pin of deca and im like
Bllaaaahhhh, meh, ill work out tomorrow. Total apathy. Is that common?
Heres my current cycle
Test Cyp 200mg/week (twice pinned)
dbol 30mg/day (morn/lunch/bedtime)
deca 400mg/week (twice pinned)
Clomid 50mg week (two doses of 25)
(I need to get some nolva on hand but am having trouble finding it in stock)
SO, with that said, I ask the following
Should I up the Test cyp? (after reading that seems more of a cruise dose than a blast dose)
Is the deca giving me the blahs? (Id rather feel great and work out than take it and fight myself to lift)
What about a differrnt combo? Tren? Winny? Just do more test and the dbol?
Any advice is appreciated as Im new to this and have read alot and plan to keep reading, but specifics help too.
Thanks in advance
PS This seems to be alot more responsive board than another one I was reading LOL