Some Input on Deca + Test

Hey guys, long time reader but first time poster. Guess i been trollolol your posts for a bit LOL, but i’ve got some questions and some help i need. Im planning on starting on doing my 2nd cycle and I’ve been reading a lot throughout T-Nation and other forums but i cant seem to come with a mediated answer to my questions on how i should do this. Maybe by me having my own active thread it could help me achieve my answers. I’m going to be clear and as concise as i can, my apologies if i didn’t make something clear in advance, but please dont hesitate to ask!

I’m 6’5 205lb 24yr old male. I started training about 2-3 years ago to put some size on, because infact i was really skinny naturally… like im talking about 6’5 145-150lbs. I train hard, try to eat well because i am on like a full year around bulk now.

Right now I have:
Testosterone Sustanon 250
Decca 200mg/mL

I do have a history of acne/pimples from when i was younger, but my skin is all clear but i just maintained it… washed my face etc, didn’t take no substances to help me. But thats my #1 thing i want to make sure I can prevent pimples/acne - with that being my questions are:

  1. I dont know if I should take HCG or clomid or stick with novla? what other ways cant i prevent acne/pimples?

  2. Is it necessary to rotate pin points, because i have some there have not been actual studies on it being more effective? and saw a thread somewhere…

  3. What dosage should i start and what are the recommended CC or gauge needle for my test+decca

  4. How many weeks do you think i should do?

  5. I also have really bad right knee and right elbow (bad tendonitis), will help repair these damages on me?

if you guys can help me answer some of these that would be great! I know i’ve read a lot of info about all these but i just need clarification for my self i guess i dont want to be on the wrong path doing so and figuring it along the way sort of deal. Thanks!

  1. Hcg on cycle to keep your balls and make recovery easier, and adex or aromasin on cycle to control E and bloat this will also help control acne. I never have a problem with acne on cycle I usually get a bit during pct. it lasts for a few weeks then goes away. Keep the clomid and Nolva for pct, I would also look into having some caber or prami on hand as well.

  2. Rotating is good. Slows down scar tissue buildup and some people get really sore from pinning so rotating prevents pinning a sore spot. I’ve also heard rotating prevents over saturating of one injection site, don’t know how true that is though. Usually you want to wait a week before pinning the same spot again.

  3. I would do 500mg of sust and 300mg deca to start with. Sust is best pinned EOD so take that into consideration. Pin the deca 2x a week. Draw with a 20g and pin with a 25g. One CC is 1ml so you should be able to do the math.

  4. I would do 10 weeks deca and 12 weeks sust. Always run the test 2 weeks longer than the deca.

  5. Deca has shown that it can improve the tissues in the joints.

  1. Don’t really know what you’re referring to here, hcg should be ran during cycle, clomid and or nolva should be ran for pct. I don’t see you mentioned anything about an AI anywhere, which should be taken during cycle or at the very least have it on hand. Dose is dependent on the person. .25mg eod is a good starting point

  2. Personally I would rotate pin points to reduce tracking but I guess that’s your preference, I don’t know about any injection site being more “effective” than another? It will be absorbed either way. Now if I were about to do a leg session I would probably inject delts, and vice versa for say a chest day. Someone with more experience can chime in on that if I’m wrong.

  3. For gauge needle, I prefer 27g, 3cc needle depending on how patient you are, doesn’t bother me a bit. Beats pinning with a 23 or 25 imo.

  4. Sounds like you need to do a little more research, there are countless threads on all of this info, so read a little more and post back with a proposed cycle, you gotta put in some effort on your part man

  5. I have no experience with decca but I know it is good for your joints. If I were you I’d try to figure out the problem to your pain, possibly bad form, who knows, only you know your body but I wouldn’t soley depend on the decca to cure your problem, may only be a temporary fix.

Main points: definitely get an AI. If you don’t know what that is, you need to do a lot more research. Decca will shut you down hard so definitely run hcg during cycle. hcg dosages can be easily found with a simple search. Hope this helps you a little bit. If there’s anything I’m wrong about hopefully some people more experienced than me will correct me

u are doing some thing wrong if u have dune 1 cycle and are only 6’5 205 my friend started training last mars and he is 6’5 and started at 164 lbs and is now 216 and no steroids learn how to train and diet be4 u start takeing steroids

[quote]dingox wrote:
u are doing some thing wrong if u have dune 1 cycle and are only 6’5 205 my friend started training last mars and he is 6’5 and started at 164 lbs and is now 216 and no steroids learn how to train and diet be4 u start takeing steroids[/quote]

so people have to have reached some arbitrary weight before they’re allowed to take steroids?

For all you know the guy’s got 6% bodyfat

[quote]dingox wrote:
u are doing some thing wrong if u have dune 1 cycle and are only 6’5 205 my friend started training last mars and he is 6’5 and started at 164 lbs and is now 216 and no steroids learn how to train and diet be4 u start takeing steroids[/quote]

Funny, your friend and the OP gained the same amount of weight. Hard to compare when you can’t see who your talking about for all I know your friend can have 30% bf.

my friend is 10 % bf and still gaining fast and he is still slim :slight_smile: just saying…

[quote]dingox wrote:
my friend is 10 % bf and still gaining fast and he is still slim :slight_smile: just saying… [/quote]

yup, you’re just saying. Not proving, just saying.

lmao you sound a little too excited about your " friend**** "

You still can’t compare there are many factors that come into play, person A might gain more then person B everybody Is different

[quote]dingox wrote:
my friend is 10 % bf and still gaining fast and he is still slim :slight_smile: just saying… [/quote]
Hey bro:Weall run our own race.Usually the 1st.cycle in our bodybuilding career is the most dramatic,I.E. virgin androgen receptor’s and lot’s of room for growth,to maximise a person’s genetic potential.The only one i judge is myself? all the best john