Ive seen people argue both ways. Some say you should focus on intrinsic factors (mind muscle etc.) while others say this doesn’t matter, and you should focus on extrinsic factors (performance).
Now it seems to me that both have their advantages, but couldn’t you shift the focus depending on what the goal of the lift is?
For example:
If your focusing on strength, you want to focus on extrinsic, and how much force you can produce. Thus you either lift heavy, or fast, or both.
If your focusing on building muscle, you might take the intrinsic approach, and focus on feeling the lift in the muscle your targeting. The weight on the bar is not as important as a hard contraction, which can be achieved by also contracting antagonist muscles if the weight isn’t heavy enough. Also, you can lift slower, to emphasize maximum tension throughout the ROM.
I kinda started thinking about this lately since ive been doing more high rep work. Ive noticed a lot of times, i’ll lighten the load a bit, and really focus on working the muscle im trying to target, with good form, and a nice hard contraction. Not sure if this gets better results, but it seems to feel that way.
Also, on exercises bench press, i can progress in the weight im using, for strength. And i can do pushups relatively easy, but when i slow down on pushups and focus on good form, and contracting my chest, and serratus anterior, I struggle to get 5-10 good reps. Sure I could pile on more weight with bench and pump out reps, and get stronger, but is that really the best way? Im thinking both ways is best.
Anyone do anything similar to this?