Hi guys Im putting out their if anyone is in the worcester MA area and want to train at a basement gym. Im glad to have hard working people come and train here.
Its about 600 sq ft with plenty of space outside too.
I have the following things:
3*3 Power rack with band pegs from fatbars.com same one as elitefts gets made from them
A decent power bar with about 1000lbs of iron
225lb of bumper plates with a decent oly bar from pendlay.
Lots of different bands short and long ones.
Sleds. One is a speed sled and other is a T-sled like a prowler from Pit Bull.
Farmer walk handles
Sandbag that can go up to 250#.
20 lb med ball from dynamax, a pair of rings, fat grips.
Lifting platform
hex dumbbells 5-100 with 5lb increments and some ligth KB good to thow with.
Heavy duty commerical dumbell bench amd a -30to 90 dumbbell bench
Lifting plaftorm and another planning to be built as extension part of my rack.
Oh yea a shitty treadmill that ill prob wont use.
I plan to purchase a GHR soon and also get some kegs and tires (prob get the tires in the spring)
PM me if interested.