[quote] Brook wrote:
I assume the ‘trainer’ train clients professionally now? If not then be aware that just because someone gets to IFBB/NPC Pro level, it doesn’t mean they are ‘qualified’ to train others - by qualified i don’t mean they have papers. Knowing what works for you differs from training others DRASTICALLY… just so you know and can make the relevant adjustments to your plan.
You say 200g of Dextrose after each shot - this is between 100g/IU and 33g/IU.
The highest most use is 15g/IU and most find that is far too much to offset excess fat gain - with most opting for 10g/iu and many even less (including myself).
Shit - without Insulin, 200g of Dextrose would negate the need for exogenous Insulin injections anyway! Haharr!
Plus you only seem to have the first (particularly mild) peak of Humalog accounted for - what about the others dude?
Did the ‘trainer’ advise you to do this? (A thought just occurred to me - this Pro who is training you - how old are they? Did they miss the whole Slin era? Shit… did they miss the GH era?!)
As for not using AAS with the Slin as it is ‘overkill’ - i am struggling to understand you here. Overkill?
Firstly slin without AAS WILL induce more fat gain than muscle (add in 200g CHO and BOOM! Type II here we come!).
Secondly how can AAS be overkill when you are injecting Insulin? Kinda backwards thinking there i think.
None of my post is advice to you in your cycle, it is merely information to point out mistakes that are about to be made - i can not advise you as i know SFA about you. Bear that in mind if you continue to do this with changes made due to this post.
The “trainer” is a steroid guru, he has competed at the Mr. Olympia and has helped many local bodybuilders get their procard. He is not charging me a dime, I had to go ask him if he would show me the proper way of doing a slin cycle. His first response was no, I asked him again, and he agreed if only because of the potential of me succeeding in my sport.
That is why I posted this topic, because I meet up with him tomorrow, shit I mean go to class in insulin 101, He is going to fill in the holes in knowledge for me, plus will personally oversee my cycle.
He competed from 1996 - 2003, he had to stop because the amount of gear had become too much for him, plus his wife has placed in the top three in Ms. Olympia contest, also trained by him.
I said," I would probably use TEST only", but since I am introducing a new variable to the experiment, I am hesistant to add more to mix just to see how my body handles the slin.
Fat Gain, lol dude, my workouts leave me drained, shit at these weights combined with powerlifting gear, you burn calories like a mother fucker.
Overkill, was a stupid word to use, explained this above.
P.S. I will post my cycle revised by my guru, this thursday, see what you guys think after that.
His first reason for not showing me was, exact words “you could die”
second reason you could die
third reason you could die or become diabetic
He spent two hours teling me I should stick with aas and hgh before he agreed to show me only if I promise to never use slin without his supervision.