I’ll start by giving everyone my stats:
6’, 22 years old, sport specific (baseball) training through high school and JUCO, bodybuilding for 3 years now. Starting weight: 200 lbs at 15% BF. Competed at 207 lbs at 3.5% BF in Summer 2008, two top 3 placings. Current weight: 260 lbs at 16-18% BF
Have ran 3, very productive, yet simple mass cycles along with a basic contest prep cycle with great success.
I’m proposing a fall (August) mass cycle, I want to add another 15 pounds of lean mass to my frame before the 2010 Competition season.
Weeks: Preparation
1-10: SuperTest 400 @ 800mg/wk
1-3 and 9-12: D-bol @ 30mg/day
1-12 Arimidex @ .5 mg as needed
2-4 and 8-10: Humalog Insulin @ 3-6 IUs upon waking and 2 hours post workout
PCT Plan:
13-17: Nolvadex @ 20mg/day
13-15: Aromasin @ 25mg/day
Tendafil Citrate @ 25mg as needed
SuperTest 400 was chosen due to price/gram. Composed of propionate, cypionate, enanthate, and decanote. Have had good success with it in the past.
I am in the process of sourcing HCG to use during cycle to aid in post cycle recovery.
This is my first encounter with insulin, I have many colleagues that have had great success with it. Upon waking, I will be eating 60g of carbs from pineapple and oatmeal immediately following injection, along with 100g whey shake. An hour later, I will eat another 60-80g of complex carbs. I will be measuring my glucose throughout the day. I am using my natural insulin spike post workout with 80g of waximaize starch, then injecting insulin with my post workout meal, roughly 2 hours post training, with another 60-80g of complex carbs every 2 hours until bedtime.
I’m looking to the veterans of this great forum for advice/critique/constructive criticism. I am not a ‘pro’ or ‘know-it-all’, I’m ready to continue my learning. I have researched insulin protocol for many months and want to see if the vets agree with my cycle and administration.
Thanks guys!