I saw that I will had mine: Get Big or Die tryin
The Only way to build a brick house is one brick at a time.
Are you one of the Destroyers or the Broken?
What does not kill you makes you stronger
It is better to die on your feet than live on your knees.(
If you’re not getting better than you’re getting worse.
The Journey of a thousand miles begins with one step. (submitted by Barry Marotte)
Persistence and Determination alone are omnipotent. (submitted by Ron Skolnik)
The only failure in life is the failure to TRY ! (submitted by Kai Yang,Ivan Ng)
Try not. Do or Do not. There is no Try. (the real master,Yoda)
There are never any problems in life only challenges. (submitted by Brian Turpin)
A coward dies a thousand deaths, the HARDCORE just once. (submitted by Andrew Whale)
Failure is not getting knocked down, failure is when you don’t get back
up. (submitted by Nocarbs 189)
Be strong in mind and body… Be part of the brotherhood. (submitted by Micheal Van)
Show me a good and gracious loser, and I’ll show you a failure. (submitted by Lynn R)
I It does not matter how slowly you go so long as you do not stop (submitted by Nancy M)
He who endures, Conquers. (submitted by Jason Conan Smither)
Strength through Pride then Pride through strength. (submitted by Al)
Good things come to those who weight . (submitted by Coach James Wood)
It’s not where you start but where you finish (submitted by Keith Witek)
Know your limitations, then CRUSH them. (submitted by Greg Stluka)
Fear not the iron, for it shall keepeth thine flesh honest. (submitted by David delCaribe)
Second place is the first loser. (submitted by Chris Bishop)
The only easy day was yesterday. (submitted by Randy Howell)
If there is no dull and determined effort, there will be no brilliant achievement. (submitted by David Cable)
Lift untill yours eyes bleed. (submitted by Tank Hughey)
It’s going to hurt the first time and the 100th time. Deal with it! (submitted by HBK)
Lift till bone breaks through the flesh. (submitted by David B)
“May God have mercy upon the iron, because I won’t” (submitted by Dan V)
Limits are for people who have them. (submitted by Gabriel D)
Dont let the spirits of pain conquer the God of Iron . (submitted by Gabriel D)
The minds and muscles of the Brotherhood are to be kept sharp as
the swords of gods. (submitted by Gabriel D)
You will do it.You have no option. (submitted by Gabriel D)
There is no substitute for guts. (submitted by Rob C)
F#ck average. F#ck genetics. They’re not part of my religion. (submitted by Jeremy M)
It’s not how many times you get knocked on your a$$, it’s how many times you back off your a$$ and knock them down. (submitted by Bernman7)
Either your growing or your just dying. (submitted by DiRuzzo)
Doing the last rep means battle between mind and weight.Win it! (submitted by Evgeny MItev)
Take the PAIN. (submitted by Douglas L)
Before you start complaing, suck it up and stop your bitching. (submitted by Preston H)
The greatest happiness is to scatter your enemy and drive him before you,
to see his cities reduced to ashes, to see those who love him shrouded in
tears and to gather to your bosom his wives and daughters - Genghis Khan (submitted by John and Aaron D)
Before you start complaing, suck it up and stop your bitching.(submitted by Preston H)
Don’t do your best. Do what it takes. (submitted by Larry N)
The more you sweat in peace; the less you bleed in war! (submitted by Bart M)
And God said: get up my son and lift the damn weight. (submitted by Gerardo)
If you can accept losing, You can’t win (submitted by Donovan)
Cowards never get started and the weak die along the way (submitted by Hard Mark)
Be a champion or a wannabe…you decide (submitted by the Great One)
Don’t look at the weight just lift the $hit (submitted by Wilks)
Blood and Iron are the your best resources (submitted by MERK202)
Excuses are for the weak. (submitted by Jeff N)
The wrought iron thinks itself needlessly tortured in the fire, the
tempered steel blade knows why. (submitted by Ian H)
Pain is your friend, the weights are your enemy, determination is your
savior. (submitted by Martin Semenowicz)
Be Charitable…Lift Harder For Those Who Can’t (submitted by Tom S)
Raw and Brutal is the way to go. Lift HARD, Eat RIGHT, SLEEP and you’ll live forever. See you in Valhalla! (submitted by Mark C)
If there is no pain, then you are not trying hard enough. (submitted by Rich W)
Welcome the pain and enjoy gains that come with it. (submitted by Andy A)
Pain is mandatory, suffering is optional. (submitted by B. Bein)
In a world of compromise, some don’t. (submitted by Robert M))
Stand with pride or stand aside. (submitted by Robert M))
Raw and Brutal is the way to go. Lift HARD, eat RIGHT, SLEEP and you’ll live forever. See you in Valhalla! (submitted by Mark C)
Never forget the power that a man can summon from within himself. It is a great power. (submitted by Scott H)
People who say it cannot be done should not interrupt those who are doing it! (submitted by Pat C)
We are unique in that we forge our bodies through the fire of our will. (submitted by Tom)
What happens to a man is less important that what happens within him. (submitted by James)
Act As If It Were Impossible To Fail (submitted by David P)
I Have Nothing To Offer But Blood, Toil, Tears And Sweat (submitted by David P)
Show Me A Satisfied Man And I Will Show You A Failure (
Failing Doesn’t Make You A Failure, Giving Up Does
Those Who Stand For Nothing Fall For Anything
To Endure Is To Conquer
That says, remember to push hard and have fun, train to success, not to failure, have a good day