
I don’t know why it started to happen, but in the last few weeks I have had a real hard time sleeping. I figured Oh I just need more carbs and calories, but that hasn’t worked. Now im staring down the barrel of a night less sleep.

Melatonin does not do anything for me, sleepy tea valerian root neither. ZMA is nice for performance but does not put me to sleep.

I literally go to bed at a decent time and just toss and turn. THen I look at the clock and its like 4 am.

I am not training severe, 4 days a week. am eating five meals a day, two P and C and 3 p and f meals.

Im pissed off cause I wanted to have a great workout today, but I haven’t slept. I figured I should not workout without any zzzs.

I don’t drink coffee or green tea, or take any stimulants. I don’t know what else to do. I really don’t want to get a prescription. Anyone else have any similar experiences.

[quote]Shortest Straw wrote:
I don’t know why it started to happen, but in the last few weeks I have had a real hard time sleeping. I figured Oh I just need more carbs and calories, but that hasn’t worked. Now im staring down the barrel of a night less sleep.

Melatonin does not do anything for me, sleepy tea valerian root neither. ZMA is nice for performance but does not put me to sleep.

I literally go to bed at a decent time and just toss and turn. THen I look at the clock and its like 4 am.

I am not training severe, 4 days a week. am eating five meals a day, two P and C and 3 p and f meals.

Im pissed off cause I wanted to have a great workout today, but I haven’t slept. I figured I should not workout without any zzzs.

I don’t drink coffee or green tea, or take any stimulants. I don’t know what else to do. I really don’t want to get a prescription. Anyone else have any similar experiences. [/quote]

You’re stressing out way to much, I imagine that is at least part of it. Try and find a way to relax, use hypnosis or something if you have to.

You may have a sleep disorder. Try the strategies is Barr’s latest “hormonal optimization through sleep” article. After that see a doctor.

What you are experiencing is Stress. You have alot on your mind. Could be work, family, girlfriend, anything. I’ve been going through alot of financial stress this year as well as breaking up with my girlfriend. It’s been challenging for me to get a good nights rest. Try to do your workouts during the morning or day and at night try some meditation or just sit insilence for a while and clear your mind.

If you have great friends, talk to them about how you feel. Start writing in a journal each day to empty your mind. No matter what, keep up with your training and nutrition. You need that discipline even more when under stress.

Katherin Hepburn said it best: " without discipline, there is no life".

By virtue of what you describe and even by what youcall yourself (shortest straw), it sounds like you may be depressed which will make sleep very difficult.

This should put you right to sleep.

Nah, I’m kidding man. To echo what others have said, its most likely stress related.

Go to your doctor if you cant figure it out with relaxation techniques. You might want to get some bloodwork done, too. I remember reading somewhere that low T levels can lead to messed up sleep patterns.

[quote]Shortest Straw wrote:

ZMA is nice for performance but does not put me to sleep. [/quote]

ZMA kicks my ass! a half hour after I take them its lights out. When I started using it I had a little trouble with insomnia and then waking up after about five hours and not being able to get back to sleep, after about a week I started sleeping like a baby. I wake up recharged and ready to roll.

I wish I had some good info for you. My mom has this problem, and I got it from her I think.

Has bothered me on and off since I was around 20. At 25, I finally had enough. I had to go on Ambien just recently, as I had reached a low point.

I just can’t turn my brain off and fall asleep. When I did get to sleep, I’b be right back up in 3 hours like clockwork. Toss and turn till morning, then drag myself out of bed.

The only times I felt good was during a workout with 800mgs or so of caffine running through me.

Go see a doctor. Try other stuff before you go on a script, cause once you do, it’s more than likely for life. Good luck.


Try wacking off a few times when you can’t sleep. It works for most of us.

I had similar issues and it was due to stress.

Kava-kava worked fine as a temporary relief. Please note that it doesn’t put you to sleep per se, but instead it induces a deep relaxation which makes it easier to fall asleep. Perfect for stress-induced insomnia.

More persistent results, though, I obtained through meditation. It helps if you’re the religious kind, but even if you aren’t, there are plain meditation techniques without any religious strings attached that work very well.
It’s pretty pointless to say “the meditation system XYZ worked for me, therefore you should do it too”, so do your own research.

Two things:

Visualization: Visualize yourself flying, or a tranquil scene of some sort. Allow yourself to let the imagery progress like a dream. I find this really helps to ease me into real dreaming.

White noise: Turn on a fan. Not only does the sound itself help you get to sleep, but you will then associate the fan with sleepy feelings, providing an additional boost.

If all else fails, have someone put you in a sleeper hold.

[quote]Shortest Straw wrote:
I don’t know why it started to happen, but in the last few weeks I have had a real hard time sleeping. [/quote]

Dude, I’ve been tormented by insomnia for years only to find out that I needed to boost my testosterone level! Try a natural supplement like “Super MiraForte with Maximum Strength Chrysin”.

This should raise your male hormones up to a normal level naturally while knocking off excess estrogen.

[quote]Cartman69 wrote:
Dude, I’ve been tormented by insomnia for years only to find out that I needed to boost my testosterone level! Try a natural supplement like “Super MiraForte with Maximum Strength Chrysin”.

This should raise your male hormones up to a normal level naturally while knocking off excess estrogen.

Why not a… Biotest product?

[quote]Avoids Roids wrote:
By virtue of what you describe and even by what youcall yourself (shortest straw), it sounds like you may be depressed which will make sleep very difficult.[/quote]

AND JUSTICE FOR ALL< PLAY SONG SHORTEST STRAW< and tell me if that song is about depression.

More like ASS kicking!

Not that stressed out guys, and last night had mutliple rounds of sex, which didn’t induce a sleepiness.

Honestly after reading another post, I think im allergic to the protein powder i have been eating at night. its micelar matrix from iss. I noticed after ingestion my heart rate incrases, and something stimulates me. I saw this on another post that they had similar problems.

Ps I know buy Biotest, but i only buy the supplements thati can physically go out and get. Unfortunately they don’t carry Biotest protiens.

[quote]Shortest Straw wrote:

Honestly after reading another post, I think im allergic to the protein powder i have been eating at night. its micelar matrix from iss. I noticed after ingestion my heart rate incrases, and something stimulates me. I saw this on another post that they had similar problems.


So there may some other ingredients in the protein powder. A simple test would be to stop using that brand for a week and see if you still have problems.

My apologies. I am not up to speed on Metalica or anything musical originating in the last half century. :slight_smile:

Ha ha avoid roids Buy the album! its still the best training album!

I didn’t take any protein powder yesterday, and slept like a baby! Jeeze I feel pissed by that. I think I am alergic to casein.

[quote]Shortest Straw wrote:
Melatonin does not do anything for me, sleepy tea valerian root neither. ZMA is nice for performance but does not put me to sleep.

I literally go to bed at a decent time and just toss and turn. THen I look at the clock and its like 4 am.[/quote]

I’m the exact same, and I’ve been like this ever since I was 8 years old (at least that’s how long my mother corroborates my symptoms).

The one thing I’ve found besides getting very drunk or stoned (which only works half the time), is a combination “cocktail” of a normal serving of ZMA (for good sleep once asleep) a triple serving of Valerian Root or Kava Kava (to relax), and a 3mg Melatonin tablet. Any of the 3 alone doesn’t do anything to help me, but combined together they tend to work pretty well.

I take this cocktail about 1-1.5 hours before I want to fall asleep and it tends to help, though on rare occasions it still doesn’t do the trick.

I’ve linked my #1 sleep antagonist to being an active mind which causes me to think while trying to fall asleep. This in turn causes me to subconsciously tense up muscles instead of being fully relaxed (if fully relaxed I’m out like a light) which prevents me drifting off. Thus the use of relaxing agents to aid my transition to a relaxed state without having to be utterly physically exhausted (which still isn’t a guarantee of falllinsleep).

Note that I have very high resistances to ingested chemicals, so you might start off with normal dosages and see how you react. I also do not drink any caffeine sources, nor any other real energy drinks, only 1-2 Spike first thing in the morning and even that I don’t feel on occasion, though a third will usually get me pretty amped.