Insight on My Current Cycle Please

Hey everyone I’ve been coming to this board reading hundreds of the articles/threads for the past 6 months or so but I just decided to join so I can be active in the forums.

Let me try to give you a rundown of my personal stats/history so you can help me… I’m 21 years old. I am a sponge for knowledge about everything pertaining to bodybuilding and steroids. I just want to clear the air - I’m not a punk who doesn’t know anything; nor am I cocky and claim to know more than you… I know that’s not true, and you can NEVER know too much…

I didn’t start my first cycle until i had about a year and a half of aas research under my belt. My current cycle is my fourth. My previous three cycles went as follows (with proper PCT of course and at LEAST time on=time off in between):

    1. *Test enanthate - 500mg/wk. Length - 10 weeks.
    1. *Dianabol - 30mg/day. (1st 4 weeks)
      *Test enanthate - 500mg/wk. Length - 10 weeks.
    1. *Dianabol - 40mg/day. (1st 4 weeks)
      *Test enanthate - 700mg/wk. Length - 10 weeks.

My fourth cycle I decided to test a different water and try Tren Acetate, which is way out of my comfort zone with frequency of injects, but I researched it for a long time and decided to try it. So my cycle went Tren Acetate - 75 mg EOD (I know ED is better but give me a break I’m new to the whole poking myself more than twice a week thing). I started the cycle with 4 weeks of Dianabol at 45 mg ED, and ran the Tren for about the first 7 weeks while simultaneously running Test Cypionate at 500 mg/week. I am currently finishing the cycle, ending my eigth week, and will continue to run the Cypionate until week Ten.

I am just over 6 ft tall. Pre-cycle, I weighed 198 with BF at about 11%. Currently at end of week 8 I am 211 with BF at about 9%.
I had incredible strength gains from the tren. From cycle beginning to the last inject of Tren, my 12-rep bench went from 190 to 290 (Not that bench is the measurement of strength, but just to give you an idea).

But I guess my question is: Should I be satisfied with these results? I kind of feel disappointed with the cycle. Maybe I was too cautious with my doses? The Tren was obviously working, (Even with a higher dosage of Dianabol I had NO water retention like I have always had previously) The no water retention scared me a bit and I thought maybe I had bunk gear, but the strength gains say otherwise I would say.

I think I did the minimal dose for effectiveness on Tren. I also took a cut on Test dosage since I was adding another androgen. It’s clear that my gains are all clean, I became visibly more vascular and noticed a considerable fat loss.

Any insight on this and suggestions for my next cycle would be GREATLY APPRECIATED!! Thanks

You’ve done 4 cycles at the age of 21???

I’m confused, did you weigh 198 after the 1st three cycles at a height of 6 ft?..sorry but I’d seriously have to question your training/diet if that’s the case…

Correct me if I’m wrong but :slight_smile:

Everything seemed to have gone well. As Bushy commented, I’m not sure what you’re looking for. Other than that, congratulations on a successful cycle.

[quote]Foxen wrote:
You’ve done 4 cycles at the age of 21???

I’m confused, did you weigh 198 after the 1st three cycles at a height of 6 ft?..sorry but I’d seriously have to question your training/diet if that’s the case…

Correct me if I’m wrong but :)[/quote]

You beat me to it, Foxen. OP, if you did not experience the gains you expected on that cycle then the drugs certainly should not be to blame. In fact, all of your posted cycles look great, so I’d have to say that the problem is, to put it bluntly, you. Either your training or your diet (likely both) have issues that need to be addressed.

We can’t know what they are to help you without a lot more detail than you’ve given us. However, if you were starting your fourth cycle at over 6’ and under 200#, I’d say that you probably shouldn’t be messing with AAS, and should be focusing primarily on correcting whatever the real problems are. AAS are not a substitute for proper diet and training. But you know that, don’t you?

Four cycles and still not over 200? Ouch.

I’ll be blunt. You’re fucking up royally somewhere. I’m not sure where and neither are you apparently… diet, trainig, PCT…

It could be anyone of this.

Also the fact you have run 4 cycles prior to being 21 means you started quite early and potentially could have screwed up your endocrine system, resulting in a severe loss of gains off cycle… who knows?

Give us some more detail on your history regarding diet, training, and PCT.


akhilleus friend you have gained 13lbs in eight weeks while decreasing bodyfat. I’d be satisfied with that. Your first three cycles looked good and almost perfect with your progression. It pains me to think this is cycle four at your age but no looking back now.

IMO 75mg EOD is light for Tren Ace. 50mg ED is considered an entry level dosage. 75mg ED is pretty middle of the road for a fourth cycler like yourself. So next time you could likely double your tren usage. Also you did only run 500mg of Cyp a week whereas according to you last cycle you ran 700 a week.

For what you took and what results you obtained I’d call it a success. Your bench reps things testifies to that.

[quote]sapasion wrote:
akhilleus friend you have gained 13lbs in eight weeks while decreasing bodyfat. I’d be satisfied with that. Your first three cycles looked good and almost perfect with your progression. It pains me to think this is cycle four at your age but no looking back now.

IMO 75mg EOD is light for Tren Ace. 50mg ED is considered an entry level dosage. 75mg ED is pretty middle of the road for a fourth cycler like yourself. So next time you could likely double your tren usage. Also you did only run 500mg of Cyp a week whereas according to you last cycle you ran 700 a week.

For what you took and what results you obtained I’d call it a success. Your bench reps things testifies to that.[/quote]

To be honest with ya Sap, I don’t find 75 mg tren EOD to be that underdosed. I ended up just running 50mg ED and got just as good of effects as I did at 75 and 100 without a lot of the side effects, esp. insomnia.

From what I’ve seen regarding tren ace, it seems less is more. Sure, there obviously is going to be a minimum amount at which you must use to see effects, but at the same time, it’s easy to go overboard on it and get slammed with side effects.

IMO, 75mg EOD could potentially work out, and if not, then bump it to 90-100mg EOD. Maybe you’re one of those lucky guys who doesn’t get tren sides, but when you’re using more than 75mg a day I know from experience it can get ugly.


Thanks for the feedback so far guys. I know, I know, 19 is a little young to start. In retrospect, I would definitely not have started so young; but too late to turn back now. I was trying to emphasize that although I started young, I always did PCT and never ran a super-long/non-stop or mega-dosed cycle.

To reply to World, my PCT has always been the same, since i have always used the enanthate ester, i start PCT two weeks after last inject and run tamoxifen for 4 weeks. 40 mg ED for two weeks, then 20 mg ED for last two weeks. On my 3rd cycle I used Arimidex at .5 mg ED alongside the tamoxifen.

The reason I wanted to begin using AAS is to help me gain weight(muscle mass). I have always had an insane metabolism and it’s always been Very hard for me to keep weight on. At 15, my sister’s boyfriend was 23 and a competing bodybuilder at the time. He outlined a simple diet for me to gain weight (not as strict as his - I was only 15 lol) just to make sure I was getting adequate calories, protein, fats, carbs spread over 4-5 meals a day. He would update it for me every few months. From 15 to 18 I went from 130 to 155. Not much, especially at that age. And a lot of my dumb ass friends started taking steroids at 14!? and 15?! which I knew was beyond stupid, but by 19 I had been working out hard for 3 years and still only 160 so after over a year and a half of researching AAS I took the dive. Like I said, in retrospect, I dove prematurely. But I was tired of being so small.

Training - I constantly switch it up. I stick with a routine for 4 weeks or so then switch to something else. I’ll train high reps/volume (10-13 reps/4-5 sets/4 exercises) 4 weeks, then low reps/ low volume (5-8 reps/3-4 sets/4 exercises) I’ll take 5-7 days off every 12-16 weeks or so.
Diet - I try not to go more than 2.5 hours without eating something. I get at least 300 g protein/day, calories fall between 4700 and 5200 a day. I keep fat under 100 g a day.

As far as Tren sides, at 75 mg EOD, I experienced none. No night sweats, insomnia etc., and no Androgen-related sides…

I gladly accept criticism and suggestions. I’m asking for help, so all the help I get is appreciated. Thanks