Short update - training has been going pretty well. Hit some decent numbers and some PRs.
Sumo block pulls (mid shin):
2x280kg / 617lbs beltless;
failed 300kg / 661lbs ridiculously close at lockout - should have some time these days.
Conv. Deficit DL:
1x230kg / 507lbs beltless
1x160kg / 353lbs - not a PR but much cleaner than my best of 162.5kg done at 12kg more bw. Found the perfect setup for me.
2x150 / 331lbs
Strict EZ curl (100% RAW rules):
1x60kg / 132lbs - haha, came across this articles by Tim on here and gave it a go - was surprised what I could do given my shitty arms.
Haven’t squatted that much - focus has been on all sorts of pulling variations. BW went up 4kg / 8.8lbs without trying / eating that much - hopefully it included some muscle along the fat.