Infinite Shore: How Do You Train?

I’ve enjoyed reading your posts ever since I came across the first one read. Much of them have been humorous as others are educational, and sometimes both. More importantly and meaningfully, when I first came across your posts, I thought I found in you what internuts refer to in the current day as a “hater”–that is, a fellow person who is not given to superstition, bravado and arrogance, and mealy-mouthed drivel.

How does a “hateful”, pragmatic, and funny guy such as yourself train? How much PROGRESS have you made since training? And what are your current GOALS in lifting and fitness?

Have you ever been a permabulker/fullhouser? If so, what was that experience like?

What is your diet like? Are you a paleotard? A carb muncher? An IF’er? A beer guzzler? A burger buff?

In on this, its incredibly humorous. +1 to Brick (sorry for spelling it Brich in another thread). Got quite the chuckle.

[quote]Quasi-Tech wrote:
In on this, its incredibly humorous. +1 to Brick (sorry for spelling it Brich in another thread). Got quite the chuckle.[/quote]

Thanks. :slight_smile:

I like burgers (and miss them), I think I want to aspire to burger buffdom. Maybe one day when I grow up. Who needs GoMaD when you can have BEFD - Burgers Every Freakin’ Day!

Burger Buff is definitely my new favourite term lol.

Brick, you are the only one paying attention to my posts on here. Ok, I play anyway since writing this post was helpful to get a better overview of what stupid shit I have put my body through (see the part about my cuts and bulks). Maybe somebody can take something from all this. And if everybody plays nice I can throw in some sexy selfies for good measure.


  • 100kg / 220.4lbs
  • 1.84cm / 5 11"
  • 15-18% bf (?)
  • lifetime natty
  • 12 years of training
  • Low-bar squat (raw, IPF style): 230kg / 507lbs
  • Oly (high-bar) squat: 200kg / 441lbs
  • Bench press (IPF style): tng 162.5kg / 358lbs, paused 152.5kg / 336lbs
  • Deadlift: 265kg / 584lbs (terrible+very old)

100kg / 220.4lbs “leanish” → 100kg / 220.4lbs ripped
Squat: 230kg → 280kg / 617lbs
Bench: 162.5kg → 190kg / 419lbs
Deadlift 265kg → 310kg / 683lbs

Training now*
Mon: Squat day
Oly squat (Horton’s Nemesis**)
Squat (Horton’s Nemesis)
Walking BB lunges 3-5 rounds
(Stiff-leg DL 3 workset + 1 drop set)

**Horton’s Nemesis rep&set scheme: ramp to daily max+some work sets (google it)

Tues: Bench day
Oly squat (Nemesis)
Bench press (Nemesis)
CG leg up bench press (Nemesis)
Low incl. DB press (Nemesis)
(Cable flys 3+1)

Wed: Pull day
Oly squats (light)
Weighted pull-ups (Ramp + 1 drop set)
Rack pulls @knees (Nemesis)
Meadow rows (8 sets)
(3 biceps exercises)

Thu: Squat day
1/4 Front squats (doubles to daily max)
Squat (Nemesis)
Leg press (Nemesis)
(Stiff-leg DL 3+1)

Fri: Bench day
Bench press (Nemesis)
CG leg up bench press or BB floor press or Chest press machine (Nemesis)
Low incl. DB press or Military press (Nemesis)
(Cable flys 3+1)
(3 triceps exercises)

Sat+Sun: off

*I deviate from my template very often, depending on soreness, injuries, instincts, etc. but the basic structure always remains the same.

Nutrition now (prot/carb/fat)
M1: 45/50/10 - multi, 10g creatine, 5000IU Vit D, 1g fish oil
M2: 45/50/10 - 1g fish oil
M3: 45/50/10 - 1g fish oil
M4: 45/50/10 - 1g fish oil
M5: 25/00/00 - (pwo) | non-training day 45/50/10 - 1g fish oil
M6: 45/50/10

*M6: 72/148/50 Typical “cheat” meal, e.g., self-made chicken burgers

250/250/50 - 2650 cal
277/348/90 - 2860 cal

  • the totals are a bit underestimated because I don’t keep track of the fats&carbs in carb sources, lean protein sources, etc. ala Shelby.

Phase 1: 0-1y

  • disorganized BBing style of training
  • nutrition: eating as much as possible with some principles such as zero fast food, candy, etc. - could

be described as high carb+prot and low fat

Phase 2: 2-8y

  • Focus on powerlifting for the most part 3x/week Madcow’s 5x5, but also bouts of Russian squat

routine, Smolov, etc.

  • Nutrition: permabulker style but still very little fast food, candy etc. - got fat on mostly “clean” food

Phase 3: 9-12y

  • Semi-structured powerbuilding approach: 4-5x/week training with a lot more upper body bodybuilding stuff (see above)
  • Worked with Shelby, so for the most part highly structured meal plan (see below)

Body composition history (best part)
Phase 1
72kg / 159lbs → ca. 82kg / 181lbs [from 8-pack - athlete - to blurry abs)
[ca. 1 year]

Phase 2
82kg / 181lbs → 102.8kg / 225lbs
[+20kg/44lbs] fatso; big legs; shitty upper body but not realizing it
[ca. 7 years]

Phase 3: Let’s get serious
1st cut with Shelby
102.8kg / 225lbs → 80.3kg / 177lbs
[-22.5kg/50lbs] at least as lean as starting point @72kg
[4 months]

1st bulk with Shelby
80.3kg / 177lbs → 99kg / 218lbs
[+18.7kg/ 41lbs]
[7 months]

2nd cut with Shelby
99kg / 218lbs → 90.4kg / 199lbs
[-8.6kg / 19lbs] close but less lean than after 1st cut
[2 months]

2nd bulk with Shelby
93kg / 205lbs → 110kg / 242lbs
[+17kg / 37.5lbs] sadly only followed 70% of Shelby’s plan; paid for it with getting too fat
[7 months]

3rd cut with Shelby
110kg / 242lbs → 96kg / 212lbs
[-14kg / 31lbs] similar level as after 2nd cut
[4 months]

3rd bulk with Shelby and last few months without him
96kg / 212lbs → 115kg / 253lbs
[+19kg / 42lbs] again “cheated” on Shelby’s plan - followed all of Shelby’s cutting diets to the T but not bulking plans
[8 months]

4th cut without Shelby this time; took it slowly with carb backloading & NO cardio
115kg / 253lbs → 98kg / 216lbs
[-17kg / 37lbs] similar level as after 2nd and 3rd cut
[9 months]

98kg / 216lbs → 100kg / 220.4lbs [+2.5kg / 5.5lbs] mostly glycogen+carb weight
[2 months now]


  • typical sad permabulker delusion story (Phase 2) - pissed away a lot of potential there
  • very consistent with meals prior to M6 (prepare food in advance, don’t care if meals taste bland, etc.), but too frequent post training “cheat” meals
  • I train pretty hard but feel a bit like a “jack of all trades” → powerbuilding → not very good in PLing or BBing
  • don’t train arms+chest+lateral/rear delts enough - as a result they suck.
  • I never did proper warming up and mobility work but should
  • I always bring a notepad in the gym
  • I document my training in a desktop database;
  • I document my bw + some measurements every morning;
  • I take progress pictures every Sunday (I have pictures worth a couple of years)
  • I video my lfits very frequently to improve my technique/form
  • I posted some squat vids in the PLing section some months ago (at my fattest) + I kept a training log for some time.

Pics brah?

I read your posts.

Let’s see those shaved legs

You want pics, eh? I will see what I can do. I have to get my tan on AND find very flattering lightening & angles first though.

Btw, oly squatted 190kg 1h ago. Finally strength is getting back to my fatso levels. Anybody arguing that a high bf% don’t do wonders for strength has never experienced it.

Cool! Thanks for sharing your program.

Damn, that was one of the most entertaining “How Do You Train” threads I’ve read. Thanks for all the details. And I appreciate your history given concerning permabulking. I too was once a permabulking, fat, wannabe powerlifter with legs too big for a symmetrical look.

So Infinite, you asked me in another thread “DYEL?” To answer your quest, I’m ending phase three of your process and will be starting phase 4 hopefully in January :), albeit I’ve been at it going now on 3 years. So its good motivation to see your progress. Shelby is also my coach as of March 2012.

And I’m sure many people read your posts.

Can you give a guestimate as to where you bulked up to bodyfat wise in each phase and what your post-lean phase was like?

Also, good luck on the tanning and lighting, they still never make you look quite as awesome as you’d like (from my experience anyhow).

1st pic - hope this works.



Final pic

Stout legs

Your quads hang over your kneecaps like an elephant’s testicles.