Infection after Injections

Hey all, so im running my second cycle of injectable AAS, and i think i’ve finally botched an injection.

Im injecting test prop every other day, and after my second time injecting into my left glute this cycle, im pretty sure its infected. I’ve gotten used to prop injection pain, usually it lasts a day to a day and a half at the max. However, i injected into my left glute last thursday, and it is still sore today (tuesday). To add to this, the injection site is red, and it feels like there is a big knot in the muscle.

I was just wondering what to do about this, should i see a doctor, or just let my body do what it does and let it heal on its own?

there’s a good sticky about injection pain you should read, that’ll tell you pretty much everything you need to know

I had the same issue with some prop a few weeks ago. First time that happened to me. It went away in about a week.

thanks guys

After reading the sticky, ive deducted that i should only be worried if i have a fever? is this correct?

Pretty much. Keep an eye on it and the redness spreads and/or you develop a fever you may have cause for concern.

As long as the swelling isn’t so bad that you can’t reach down to put your shoes on yourself, you’re doing better than I was when I once botched a glute injection. I basically just had to wait it out for a week to ten days until the swelling went down, and of course switched to quad injections for the remainder of the cycle. Ibuprofen and ice helped somewhat.

yep, everything is fine now after a week or so of time passing by

when I pin test in my quads I can’t walk properly for a week. hCG is fine but test totally fucks me. I guess it must be because it’s in oil and the hCG’s in water