Hey Guys,
So I just started my first test e cycle.
Doing it twice weekly so 500 weekly…
I have been alternating inject sites, between outer quads.
On my third injection [two before that went fine, sore virgin muscles but nothing out of the ordinary ( it was on a monday)]second on my right quad. Went normal but had abnormal swelling and pain 20 min later.
Shrugged it off and went to the gym where I foam rolled it out, messaged it ect.
Tuesday comes alone leg is really swollen, red and hot around injection site.
Wednesday comes along reddness has spread about a 6 inch radios around injection site
Fml- went to the doctor… unfortunately (stubbornly) lied and told him i was running and got a puncture wound around an inch an a half deep from a thorn, and pulled it out and there were no pieces left … He looked at it and said yep its infected,
antibiotic 4 times daily for 7 days.
It is now thursday night i missed todays inject … should i keep going with them… should i call it quits?
(reddness is still not going down, i know your not drs but any idea on when it should go down?.. and when i should go back to emerg?)
Thaank you guys much appreciated!