Increased Dose & Not What I Expected. What to Change?

Hey guys…I’d love a few opinions here if possible. Started out pre trt with total t 170 and free t below the "normal"range and all classic symptoms of low t - life sucked. I started trt 50mg cypionate e3.5 for 2 months. At the end of week 6 I felt incredible. Crazy energy like I haven’t had in a decade at least, motivation to work out, libido and erections like I was 18. And best of all my mood lifted and depression was eliminated and everything was great. For the past 9 weeks increased to 80mg e 3.5 and I attached my labs after 9 weeks on this protocol taken right before an injection. Overall I am without a doubt 100x better than pre-trt, but seemed to regress in some areas. Compared to when in was on 100mg a week, my overall energy is lower, and libido and erection quality-frequency definitely decreased. I’m still working out 6 days a week and making gains, but those other areas arent what I was expecting. I see that my e2 is high, but I’m not experiencing any nipple tenderness or bloating and I really dont want to take an ai. Should increase the dose, inject more frequently, decrease dose? So many directions to go in and I can see valid points from all sides.

I think I would continue with the current program. Sounds like you are still way ahead of the game.

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Thanks for the reply. That’s encouraging. Yeah, I’m definitely not complaining where am now, It’s just weird I felt a bit better on a much lower dose. I was concerned about the high e2 but maybe I just need more time to adjust?

The way I see it is. Why mess around with a good thing? If it aint broke dont fix it. Only you can decide on what you should do. But at this point stick to the protocol and your body should stabilize new levels.

Yes but also consider there is a honeymoon phase that doesn’t last on TRT. Testosterone affects brain dopamine levels and that initial change can feel euphoric. Like all good things that feel good sensation doesn’t last forever and you eventually balance as your body finds its new homeostasis. Aside from that, good advice has already been given. Any protocol change takes time.

Stay patient. Like @highpull said give it time for things to get good.

You have done the higher dose for 9 weeks and feel worse then before. Honeymoon, ok, but why change a protocol that seemed to work?

You can either stay for another couple of weeks on the current protocol and see how things are evolving or change back to what has worked.

I think you are overtreated, freeT is very high and E2 as well.

Ok. I think I will stay with the current program and reevaluate in a couple more months. One thing I regret is not getting labs done before increased my dose…lesson learned there. Appreciate the advice!

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The advice that guys give me because Im a very impatient motherf*cker…
Wait enough time on this protocol. Your numbers look great. Both e2 and free testosterone.
If after time has passed you still feel worse than before, go back to where you felt better

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I tend to agree with either lowering dose and seeing if you feel better or staying where you’re at for a bit then lowering to see which ends up being better for you. It’s hard to go down sometimes when it seems like more would be better, but it isn’t always the case.

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If you have stayed already nine weeks on this new higher dosage maybe you can wait two more and do a change.
If I were you I would go daily, but hell if you felt awesome on the previous protocol it is a hard choice…

If you wait it out and still find its not quite where you want to be, maybe somewhere in the middle of where you were, to where you are now would work better for you.

If you changed your driving habits and were unhappy with the number of speeding tickets you were getting, would you go on an Internet forum and ask if you should speed up, continue driving the same or slow down?

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That’s true, maybe drop to something like 140 in a month and see what happens. I was kind of looking at total t, but my free t is good so that’s the key thing. I’m in IT and tend to overanalyze every possible outcome of every potential decision in my head before making a move and it drives me nuts. Then I was reading dbossas posts about keeping the dose increasing till symptoms are fixed and it was making sense, so I was considering increasing, but what everyone says here makes logical sense to me. As of right now I’m mainly concerned with the libido and ED thing, which was better on a lower dose. Could my E2 level be causing that? Which should drop if I lower the dose?

Maybe the previous dose was the dose you body needed to increase to for symptom relief and you’ve over shot it?

How long again were you on that first dose? Maybe it just needed more time to repair your body.

Why did you make a big change to your protocol if you were feeling like 18?

This seems like where you went wrong.

I was on the original protocol for 2 months. And as far as why I changed it, I fell victim to the thinking that well if I feel this good, how much better can I feel. You know that saying “pigs get fat and hogs get slaughtered.”… .I was a hog. Lesson learned for sure.