[quote]Professor X wrote:
Skinless wrote:
MytchBucanan wrote:
I have met Vic because he works out at my gym. His hands and wrists are big, but probably no more than 9 inches (which is huge!).
When I met Ronnie and Jay their hands were fucking HUGE!.
The only thing of my hand I could see was my thumb.
I have read somewhere that people who use alot of HGH have really thick fingers and if taken at an early age can cause the eyebrow ridges to grow huge (the bones under your eye brows I have no idea what they are called).
I honestly cant remember where I read that but it was pretty interesting.
Blaming GH for their big hands is ridiculous. I have big hands too. They seem even bigger now after lifting heavily for years but I still only wear a “large” sized glove in the clinic.
I would grant more to the possibility of them having larger muscles in their hand than the average person which would give them a more “meaty” look and make them thicker.
I have a friend who is a serious bodybuilder who weighs about 340lbs right now at 6’2" (yes, that fucking huge) and his hands are like catcher’s gloves…no joke. He could literally play baseball with no gloves and I am sure the ball would suffer the greatest damage. But he’s always had big hands, even when I first met him years ago when he was significantly smaller. The genes that allow someone to be able to lift the weight to get that damn huge would likely allow that person to have the appendages to meet the job as well.
You aren’t exactly average if you can push past 300lbs in the off season especially if you are under 6’3".[/quote]
Yeah I need to think a tad bit more before I post.
It sounded like I was blaming their huge hands on HGH. What I should have added in there was that I read that atricle (obviously a bullshit article) a while before I met them. Thats all I could think about when I saw how huge their hands were…was that article.
I cant convey what I am trying to say here haha.
Its like when you see someone at the pool who is fit (with abs and whatnot) and their belly sticks out. The first thing I think of HGH belly bloat. I am not saying they take it. It just reminds me of it.
I dont know where im going with this.