Hello All. I was wondering how one would incorporate 50mg winstol oral into the last part of a cycle that looks as follows:
Test Cyp 500mg/wk 1-18
Test Prop 100mg eod wk 1-4
Boldenone 600mg/wk 1-16
Also…i was considering cutting back on the cyp at some point late cycle and capping off with prop maybe 100mg every thrird day or something like that to cut down on some bloat. Any opinions if i should or how? Why winstol? i was hoping for more muscle hardness and a lettle strength increase before ending the cycle.
No hCG during PCT. I’m pretty sure that’s what you meant by “Post Cycle wk 20-21 1500iu 2x/wk”
That has been repeated hundreds of time in the past few months. Please do some research before posting random things you read on the web or information you repeat from your gym buddies.
I think 18 weeks of test is poor idea, but if that’s what you want than who’s going to stop you.
Higher dosage for a much shorter duration, with all drugs frontloaded of course, will be more productive and easier to recover from.
Finishing with prop is a nice idea because you will be able to start your pct sooner.
I am in week 5 of this cycle. And have ran this cycle before with greeat results. It is my understanding that it is a good idea to run Test along side of boldenone because of the inevitable shutdown that this compound has on your body. The extensive time period is because 16 weeks seems to be the magic number for boldenone. No frontload with the bold.
[quote]Young_Lad wrote:
Thanks for your most helpful input.
I am in week 5 of this cycle. And have ran this cycle before with greeat results. It is my understanding that it is a good idea to run Test along side of boldenone because of the inevitable shutdown that this compound has on your body. The extensive time period is because 16 weeks seems to be the magic number for boldenone. No frontload with the bold.
Yes HCG is in PCT i’m sorry for my mistake.
Including test is great idea, I didn’t mean to imply otherwise. I was commenting on the length of the cycle, not the drug choices. Excuse the confusion.
Adding Test will not prevent shutdown; I’m not sure if that’s what you were implying or not. What it will do is replace the Testosterone your body stops producing in the presence of exogeneous hormones.
If that cycle length works for you and you can recover than go for it, it’s just not something I’d care to put my body through.
Do NOT use hCG during PCT. It will prevent recovery, especially at such a high dose. Use it at 250iu EOD throughout your cycle to prevent testicular atrophy. Start it as soon as you want but stop using it before you start PCT.
[quote]Young_Lad wrote:
Hello All. I was wondering how one would incorporate 50mg winstol oral into the last part of a cycle that looks as follows:[/quote]
Test Cyp 500mg/wk 1-18[/quote] 18???[quote]
Test Prop 100mg eod wk 1-4[/quote] frontload. i get it[quote]
Boldenone 600mg/wk 1-16[/quote] Purpose?[quote]
Post Cycle wk 20-21 1500IU 2x/wk Nolva 40 mg/day
22-23 Nolva 20 mg/day[/quote] Crap -
Nolva should be used 40mg first 2 weeks of PCT and 20mg last two weeks. HCG should be used at 250iu 3x/wk during cycle from week 3[quote]
Also… i was considering cutting back on the cyp at some point late cycle and capping off with prop maybe 100mg every thrird day or something like that to cut down on some bloat. Any opinions if i should or how? Why winstol? i was hoping for more muscle hardness and a lettle strength increase before ending the cycle.[/quote]
This wouldn’t be much use in reducing bloat (why would you want to really?) but it could be useful in starting PCT 2 days after the cycle ended rather than wait 2 weeks for the cyp to clear (18-20)
Winny im not a fan… put it where you like, but i wouldnt use it in this cycle.